As a telnet/ftp user, it was only today that I had to confront the horrors of using tip on a new user's slab to connect to our VAX. A couple of questions to all you NeXT tip gurus: (a) Assuming you've done the % tip dialer drill and have then ATDT'ed onto a remote host, how does one manage doing Kermit protocol binary format file transfers? Specifically, how does one escape to the local kermit on the NeXT after initiating a send or a receive on the remote host? Does one do some sort of squiggle bang drill or ? The manuals seem a bit vague on this point... (b) What is the magic required to be able to simply say: % tip <phone number> to dial and connect (instead of first establishing a connection to the modem and then manually issuing Hayes compatible commands to dial)? When we try % tip <number>, we dial fine, we can hear the modem connect and autobaud, but we never seem to get any acknowledgment that we've connected, nor does anything we type seem to get sent down the connection to the modem... Any tips? (pardon the pun, please). We're using a genuine NeXT-recommended modem cable going into Serial A on the slab, so cabling shouldn't be an issue, and the modem is supposed to be "telling the truth" w.r.t. all signals such as CD, DTR, etc... Thanks, Joe St Sauver (JOE@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU or JOE@OREGON) Statistical Programmer and Consultant University of Oregon Computing Center (Mike Dixon) (01/01/91)
Assuming you've done the % tip dialer drill and have then ATDT'ed onto a remote host, how does one manage doing Kermit protocol binary format file transfers? if you're going to use kermit to transfer files, you don't need to touch tip. start kermit, aim it at your serial port, say 'connect' to do tip-type stuff, and then c-\ c (to get back to giving kermit commands) when you're ready to transfer files. (kermit also has stuff for doing the dialing automatically, but i've never bothered to figure it out -- instead, i just define a macro to do the ATDT stuff) -- .mike.