[comp.sys.next] tidbit about Read Receipts in Mail

glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us (Glenn Reid) (01/02/91)

I was poking around with Mail.app today trying to figure out how it
encoded the request for a Read Receipt (2.0 feature in which you get
notified when someone reads the mail you sent to them), and wondering
if it also would generate a receipt on a non-NeXT system (it does

Here's what I found out, just in case you're curious or interested.
There's one line in the mail header that is slightly different if you
request a Read Receipt, and the receiving Mail.app must look for it
and generate the receipt if it sees the flag:

Header line without a request for a read receipt:

	Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.62)

Header line with a request for a read receipt:

	Received: by NeXT Mailer (1.62.RR)

[note the ".RR" indicating Read Receipt]

Unfortunately, Mail.app doesn't also include the standard delivery
receipt header line that would cause it to work with other UNIX
mailers as well.  I think the standard header is something like

	Receipt-To: glenn

if I recall correctly.

Just thought somebody else might benefit from this.


 Glenn Reid				RightBrain Software
 glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us		PostScript/NeXT developers
 ..{adobe,next}!heaven!glenn		415-851-1785