[comp.sys.next] NeXTslab external disk

cjp@SSESCO.com (Chuck Purcell) (01/03/91)

I have been asked via e-mail to report on my disk installation experiences.
#  Startup experiences cjpurcell 02Jan90 NeXT slab - connect external disk.
#  Procure scsi-2 to Centronics-50 cable and a shoebox with empty disk.
#  I use a fresh factory-formatted disk complete with resident cricket 8-) .
#  first power down, connect the disk and restart, avoid the invitation for 
#  disk initialization at this point!
#  sign on as root, then execute:
#  scsimodes /dev/rsd1a                          to obtain:
  SCSI information for /dev/rsd1a
Drive type: CDC 94191-15
512 bytes per sector
54 sectors per track
15 tracks per cylinder
1632 cylinders per volume (including spare cylinders)
1 spare sector per track
30 alternate tracks per volume
1295849 usable sectors on volume
Use the scsimodes information(and a lot of courage) to form the:
# /etc/disktab entry for:
# Seagate Wren VI 660 Megabytes formatted w/ 512 byte blocks - 4 partitions
ST4766N|CDC 94191-15|Wren VI Seagate 766 MB w/512 byte sectors in 4 parts:\
# total = 647595 - 1024 byte blocks == 1295190 sectors == 663137280 bytes. #

# /etc/fstab entry for WrenVI configuration:
#	cjp-02Jan91 for WrenVI as an external, non-boot, disk drive.
#	This file contains information used to mount local hard disks.  
#	Consult your system administration and networking manual
#	for information on adding local disks.  Information on the format
#	of entries in this file can also be found in the fstab man page,
#	search for fstab in Digital Librarian.
/dev/sd0a / 4.3 rw,noquota,noauto 0 1
/dev/sd1a /home 4.3 rw,noquota 1 2
/dev/sd1b /user 4.3 rw,noquota 1 3
/dev/sd1c /work 4.3 rw,noquota 1 4
/dev/sd1d /next 4.3 rw,noquota 1 5

# Using the disktab entry above; do the disk drive installation program:
localhost# disk -i -t ST4766N /dev/rsd1a

disk name: ST4766N
disk type: fixed_rw_scsi
writing disk label
creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1a
/usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1a

/dev/rsd1a:	259200 sectors in 640 cylinders of 15 tracks, 27 sectors
	265.4Mb in 40 cyl groups (16 c/g, 6.64Mb/g, 1600 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at:
 16, 6528, 13040, 19552, 26064, 32576, 39088, 45600, 52112, 58624,
 65136, 71648, 78160, 84672, 91184, 97696, 103696, 110208, 116720, 123232,
 129744, 136256, 142768, 149280, 155792, 162304, 168816, 175328, 181840,     
 188352, 194864, 201376, 207376, 213888, 220400, 226912, 233424,
 239936, 246448, 252960,

/etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1a 259200 27 15 8192 1024 16 10 60 4096 t

creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1b
/usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1b

/dev/rsd1b:	129600 sectors in 320 cylinders of 15 tracks, 27 sectors
	132.7Mb in 20 cyl groups (16 c/g, 6.64Mb/g, 1600 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at:
 16, 6528, 13040, 19552, 26064, 32576, 39088, 45600, 52112, 58624,
 65136, 71648, 78160, 84672, 91184, 97696, 103696, 110208, 116720, 123232,

/etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1b 129600 27 15 8192 1024 16 10 60 4096 t

creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1c
/usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1c

/dev/rsd1c:	129600 sectors in 320 cylinders of 15 tracks, 27 sectors
	132.7Mb in 20 cyl groups (16 c/g, 6.64Mb/g, 1600 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at:
 16, 6528, 13040, 19552, 26064, 32576, 39088, 45600, 52112, 58624,
 65136, 71648, 78160, 84672, 91184, 97696, 103696, 110208, 116720, 123232,

/etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1c 129600 27 15 8192 1024 16 10 60 4096 t

creating new filesystem on /dev/rsd1d
/usr/etc/newfs -n -v /dev/rsd1d

/dev/rsd1d:	129600 sectors in 319 cylinders of 15 tracks, 27 sectors
	132.3Mb in 20 cyl groups (16 c/g, 6.64Mb/g, 1600 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b#) at:
 16, 6528, 13040, 19552, 26064, 32576, 39088, 45600, 52112, 58624,
 65136, 71648, 78160, 84672, 91184, 97696, 103696, 110208, 116720, 123232,

/etc/mkfs /dev/rsd1d 129195 27 15 8192 1024 16 10 60 4096 t

initialization complete
.......A total of 663.1 megabytes are installed(663.475 mbytes promised).

# then use the fstab entry above:
# mount -a

You may wonder why I partition into sizes mostly less than 150 megabytes......
I have the 150 Mbyte tape unit for backup purposes. If I restrict the size of 
several of the "folders" to less than 150 Megabytes, it is then easier to do 
backups as owner-operator and chief hacker. The resultant disk space:

Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd0a              98442   67909   25610    73%    /
/dev/sd1a             250543   51511  173977    23%    /home
/dev/sd1b             125263      12  112724    00%    /user
/dev/sd1c             125263      11  112725    00%    /work
/dev/sd1d             124858      11  112361    00%    /next

"Folder" /home  now contains a dump/restore copy of  "folder" / 
This includes everything in root except the 16+megabytes of "folder" /var . 