[comp.sys.next] Experiences with the NeXT Station 105 and More

rdd@wuphys.wustl.edu (Rakhal D. Dave) (12/27/90)

Here is some information I have collected over the past 10 days after receiving 
my Next Station (105 Meg). First there is a lot of information and then there 
are some questions. This is rather longish but I think it is useful. If anyone 
wants to sell this information please feel free but do send me a copy of your 
product. I can be contacted at rdd@dirac.wustl.edu and rdd@wuphy.wustl.edu . 
Please assume the usual disclaimers. I have spent a day preparing this and 
notes of thanks will maintain my enthusiasm for the net after this debut. Merry 
Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

1. When our campus representative showed of the NeXT station in our Physics 
Dept. the system crashed once while trying to read a floppy disk. He blamed 
this on the fact that the 68040 Motorola Chip inside was of an earlier version 
and had tendency to heat up. He opened up the slab and showed us the chip and 
it had a heat sink over it. He said that the machines that would be actually 
supplied to consumers will not have such a chip. They will have a better 
version of the chip which will not need a heat sink. 
OK. I went home from the campus book store with my new slab. I opened it up 
(not simply out of the box but the magnesium lid too) and guess what I found. A 
chip with a heat sink and to make matters worse it very clearly states on top 
of the chip: 68040 SAMPLE - BF. "SAMPLE ?" I don;t like that very much. 
Two machines had been delivered to The Washingtin Univ. (in St. Louis) book 
store. I got one and the other one went to a colleague of mine in the Physics 
department. He was the first to open up the cube and find out about this chip. 
His machine is no longer working. He was in the middle of an "edit" session as 
I am now and the screen went white. He took it back to the campus book store 
and tested it with the "Mega-pixel display" there and still the same thing. The 
local NeXT engineer determined it to be a "logic problem". Euphemism for bad 
chip ? Anyway the guarantee is still there for 51 more weeks and so the mother 
board is back in California. My computer is still working. I am not sure which 
of us is the lucky one.
2. One other interesting hardware feature is that my slab is supposed to be an 
8 MB RAM machine. However when I saw inside I found that all the RAM slots were 
filled. The workspace info panel shows 8 MB as it should be but why are all the 
slots full?

1. As supplied, the disk had 25 Meg available (without Mathematica, see below)
2. The upgraded version of Mathematica (2.0) is not ready and the Machine was 
supplied without it. The Campus book store gave me Mathematica 1.0 to tide over 
until 2.0 was ready (and supplied to me through the book store).
3. The machine could not run C or C++ programs as supplied.

                  INSTALLING C ON THE 105 MB NeXT MACHINE 
In order to get C started, I picked up the following files from the campus demo 
NeXT computer which is a 340 Meg cube with optical drive.
directory: /bin/
   	ar*        cc*        file*      kgdb*      nm++*      segedit*
	as*        cc++*      g++filt*   ld*        otool*     size*
	atom*      ebadexec*  gdb*       nm*        ranlib*    strip*
On adding these files I think that my /bin directory looked exactly like the 
/bin of the cube. Total of 77 files.
I also added files cc1 and cc1++ to my /lib from the demo cubes /lib thinking 
that they may have something to do with compiling and assembling C. My final 
/lib directory looked like this:
directory: /lib/
	cc1*        collect*    crt0.o      libsys_p.a
	cc1++*      cpp*        gcrt0.o     libsys_s.a
Total of 8 files. In this case I do not remember the original configuration of 
the /lib directory so I might have added more than just cc1 and cc1+, but in 
any case the final /lib looked as above.
I then tried to compile the following C program:
	{printf("Hello World\n");}
As far as I remember it complained about not finding stdio.h. It was bad 
weather here in St. Louis and I did not feel like another trip to the campus 
book store so I coonected via modem to the Physics Dept. VAX (which is also 
UNIX, ofcourse) and picked up stdio.h and math.h from its /usr/include 
The new Next machine does not have a /usr/include directory so I made one and 
put these 2 files in there so that finally that directory looked like this:
directory /usr/include/
	math.h	    stdio.h
Now I could at least compile and run the C program above. This program does not 
need math.h but I picked it up because any useful program would. I have not yet 
tested math.h in a program. Ideally these programs should be picked up from a 
NeXT since Mach and Unix might be slightly different.

                 INSTALLING TeX ON THE 105 MB NeXT MACHINE

  Lot of people in research also want Tex. For those research types who need 
mathematica and Tex on a 105 Meg Next station, there is good news. you can have 
both and be still left over with about 10 Meg. (see below for pointers on how 
to make space).
In order for Tex to run you will need the following files to be added to your directory /usr/bin/
	Install_TeX*  dvitype*      gftopk*       jot*          pktogf*
	MakeTeXPK*    etags*        gftype*       kl_ld*        pktype*
	bibtex*       filemem*      inimf*        mft*          pltotf*
	dvips*        gftodvi*      initex*       pageSymbols*  tex*
Total addition of 20 files. The original configuration of my NeXT station had 
164 files in /usr/bin. I now had 184.
You will also need TeXview to make full use of the NeXT wysiwyg capabilities. 
This you will find probably in /NextDeveloper/Demos of the cube and you can put 
it in the same place on your machine. This does not seem to be an appropriate 
place for it though.
Then you need the huge file TeXdist.tar.Z or Texdist.tar.Z. This you should 
find in /usr/tex along with a file README which explains how to proceed. There 
may also be a file ntman.dvi which can be viewed by TeXview and which explains 
a few things about TeX. Your /usr/tex directory should look like this:
directory /usr/tex/
	README      ntman.dvi   texdist.tar.Z
note: ntman.dvi is not crucial to installing TeX.
The usr/bin files, Texview and the usr/tex files are definitely necessary for 
TeX to be installed and to run. But it is possible that texdist.tar.Z 
automatically generates the missing files in /usr/bin.

Note on Installing TeX:
After copying Mathematica 1.0 and the necessary TeXstuff above I had only about 
17 Meg leftover. When you try to install TeX the installing program warns you 
that you need at least 25 Meg for the installation to work although this does 
not mean that you will have used up 25 Meg when it is done. It only needs this 
during the transient stage of installation. When I started my installation(read
README) I began to quickly run out of memory. When only 1 meg was left over 
(keep updating workspace browser to see how much space is left) I went back to 
the shell and typed ^Z (control Z) and stopped the process. I then erased 
Texdist.tar.Z and this gave me about 6 more Meg to work with. I then typed fg 
to continue the stopped process. This worked fine. I have TeX now. 

Final structure of Installed TeX:
NextLibrary/Fonts/TeXFonts	5.69 MB
	linked by usr/lib/tex/fonts
	      and NextLibrary/Tex/tex/fonts
NextLibrary/Tex/tex		3.97 MB
	linked by usr/lib/tex
NextLibrary/Tex/mf		1.12 MB
	linked by usr/lib/mf
Addition of 20 files to usr/bin	1.08 MB

TOTAL			       11.86 MB
If you include usr/tex/ntman.dvi and usr/tex/README add 0.159 MB bringing up 
the total to about 12 MB.

I don't know much about dsp programming yet. I am including it here only for 
completeness.One thing definitely important for those seriously interested in 
using the dsp are the following 10 files which should be in /usr/bin :
directory /usr/bin
	asm56000*     dspbeep*      dsploadwrap*  dsptest*      lib56000*
	dspabort*     dspimg*       dspmsg*       dspwrap*      lnk56000*
These 10 files takes the final tally of files in usr/bin to 194. With the 
addition of these files my usr/bin looks exactly like the usr/bin of the cube.
Also important is the directory NextDeveloper/DSP and all its subdirectories.

                         NOTES ON MAKING SPACE
1. If you are not going to use an Optical drive you can safely get rid of 
/odmach. Remember if you ever need it that odmach and sdmach are the same 
binary files (do a diff to confirm that) and so you can make odmach from sdmach 
when required. 
2. If you have installed TeX you shoul have the following 4 files in /usr/bin :
	latex	slitex	tex 	virtex
Theses files are the same and are used by TeX for differebt applications. If 
you read chapter 2 of ntman.dvi, on the first page of chapter 2 it tells you 
that these files are meant to be linked. the TeX installation I did, did not 
however create them linked. Linking them will give you half a meg more.
3. Sometimes when you run some processes like compiling C programs or some 
other process which did not terminate in a regular way, a file is made in 
/private/tmp called private/etc/netinfo/core (there is a chance that I may have 
this directory wrong. It might be private/tmp/core). This file might be used 
for debugging but if you don't need it, it can be erased. This file can 
sometimes get very large.
4. This is perhaps the best pointer I have for people who are going to use the 
NeXT as a standalone system. When delivered, the NeXT 105 Mb station comes with 
a virtual memory swapfile /private/vm/swapfile of 16 MB. This is usually more 
than enough. Having it at 16 Mb has the advantage that when you see how much 
memory you have left on the disk it is almost definitely all available for use. 
What I have done however is to erase /private/vm/swapfile. When you erase it 
there is no immidiate effect. Yuo have to shut of power and reboot. When the 
system starts up it will regenerate the swapfile in /private/vm . You will see 
that while booting it may take a few seconds more and the rebooting animation 
stops momentarily while it creates swapfile I suppose. The regenerated file 
will take up typically 4 or 5 MB only and you will see an addition of about 10 
MB to the available space. This memory is not all available for use however. As 
you begin to test the sytem by running many processes at the same time 
(multi-tasking) mamory will begin to be chopped of and delegated to the 
swapfile. If you keep multi-tasking within some reasonable bounds the swapfile 
may grow upto 9 MB. In severe multi tasking situations it has never grown 
beyond 12 MB in my case. Thus I feel that you can safely consider adding 4 Mb 
from outside in place of 4mb from the original 16 Mb swapfile. From here on add 
stuff, but keep in mind that this may be at the expense of speed during 

I have seen some comments on the net from people who found that the NeXT was 
very slow. One of them was seeing a Demo machine and another had it at home and 
had slowed down for some reason (the rotating disk syndrome). Some others may 
have noticed disappearing memory space.I think that this happens when you carry 
out some very unreasonable process and the swapfile becomes very large. It 
happened to me when I tried to open the Webster Dictionary as a writenow 
document. The Swapfile grew to 20 MB. The computer eventually managed to show 
me the dictionary but even after I exited "writeNow" it remained slow. It was 
then that my detective work led me to the realization that there is no setup in 
the operating system to recover from large swapfile size. I erased the swapfile 
and rebooted and everything was fine again.
I think that demo machines are usually abused by people who are not sure about 
what they are doing and the reason why people may come to the wrong conclusion 
about the speed of the NeXT is because they see a machine with a huge swapfile.

I had inadvertently removed sdmach too during this operation thinking that the 
mach file was the real kernel. This is not true. The file /mach is linked to 
$BOOTFILE whatever this might mean. When I did a diff between /mach and /sdmach 
it showed up to be the same. so I got rid of sdmach and odmach and linked them 
to /mach . But /mach being linked to some dummy $BOOTFILE contained no 
information and so I was left with nothing. The following are the sequence of 
events to boot the NeXT station from floppy. You have to assume that the rest 
of the directory structure, particularly all the files called by /etc/mach_init.
1. Copy /mach and /sdmach onto floppy (Perhaps /mach is not necessary. Remember               
   /mach is really a dummy file linked to some $BOOTFILE I don't know about) 
   from a working machine.
2. Insert floppy into drive.
3. Press Right Command with ~ key just after the "Loading from disk" message 
   comes on frame. This gets you into the "ROM MONITOR".
4. Type bfd -a -s   
   This causes the floppy to be read and the boot up to begin.
5. The rom monitor will ask for root device. When it does so type: sd0 (and 
   return) This tells the computer to look for the initialization files on the 
   scsi disk. As this proceeds the screen will be replaced by the Next-Mach 
   operating system monitor. You will be in a unix shell and can access all   
   your files with unix commands. You will however not yet have the Next-Step 
   interface and all the attendent graphics. The Next Steps are to get that:
6. Press the 2 command keys together with ~ to get you to the Next-Mach 
   operating system again. Here type "mon" without the quotation marks and this 
   will take you back to the ROM monitor.
7. At this point eject floppy with the command "ef" (No quotation marks).
8. After the floppy has ejected type "c" for continue(      "          ). The  
   screen will turn gray from white and you will be back in the unix shell. 
   There will be a # prompt. Type "exit" (No quotation marks) and the system  
   will proceed to boot up for multi-user mode and launch the graphical user 
   interface eventually ending with the login window.
1. For those expecting delivery of the NeXT station please do not buy the usual 
cable used for a cube to modem connection. The connector has changed and you 
will most probably have to make one yourself. Read the release notes which are 
a bunch of papers stapled together and placed along with the manuals in the 
"starting point kit".
2. If you are using TIP to connect to a modem I found that everything works 
fine if I leave the /etc/tty file alone. This suggestion contradicts the 
Network and system Administration maual on page 183. However all I needed to 
connect to modem was to add the following line to /etc/remote
and then type:  "tip dialer" in a shell to obtain connection with the modem. 
Ofcourse change the Baud rate to your Baud rate. If I attempted to do what the 
manual asked I almost always ended up with a device busy signal. (even though 
the directory /usr/spool/uucp/LCK was empty).   
1. Anomalous launching of finder on completion of the tetris game. It also 
happened once when I was in "WriteNow". It has never happened again with the WN 
but at the end of tetris when all the blocks are down and the last block comes 
in and you attempt to adjust its position with the keypad keys 4,5, and 6, the 
effect is that tetris closes down without even recording scores and the finder 
is launched. WHY.
2. Many of the tar.Z packages which are not binary files but asci files 
typically from pub/next/sources of some archive site require the use of the 
make command before they are correctly installed. The make command is to be 
given from the same directory in which the associated README file resides.In 
every case that I have tried this I get a message telling me that the file:
could not be found. In every case there is already a Makefile in the directory 
I would currently be in. The computer however is looking for this other file. 
It is not in my NeXT station. Could someone who has it send it to me. If it is 
binary you can send it uuencoded by giveing the command:
	uuencode filename filename>filename.uu
and then send me filename.uu .Either that or tell me what I am doing wrong with 
the make command.
3. Could someone post on the net what is contained in the /usr/include of a 
cube. This is useful information for those that have the 105 MB machine and 
need to know what additional stuff needs to be added for the C programming to 
work. I am also confused about where the C libraries reside and if I have them 
at all.
4. Has someone successfully connected a Laser Jet HPIIP personal Laser printer 
to a NeXT computer without problems. If so does one need it to have the 
PostScript package. I should think not, since the postscript calculations can 
be done on the NeXT and the printer can be bit-blasted with printing 
information just as is done with the NeXT Laser printer. Also as far as I know 
the NeXT laser printer has no cpu or memory of its own. Can the HP be connected 
without any additionall memory added to it or would there be some limitations.
5. Is there any public domain Fortran compiler for the NeXT? 
6. If not I plan to use f2c which is in the public domain. I can use it to 
convert Fortran to C and then run the C programs. Has anyone done this with 
success. I saw a note earlier on the net that there were some bugs in the 
archive version at purdue for example. The suggestion was to get the files from 
research.att.com =  . This number does not seem to work from here 
at least so are there any sources of working f2c programs ?
7. I have probably not read the manual carefully but how useful are the 
NetManager, NetinfoManager and MailManager for a stand alone system. The only 
access I have to the outside world is through phone. This article, I am posting 
from the school computer connected to my NeXT via modem. Let me reframe this 
question to the following: If I am sure that I am never going to have an 
ethernet or any other link to my machine except phone what software can I 
safely throw away ?
<<<<<<<<<<    Rakhal Dave:   "I think therefore I might not be"      >>>>>>>>>>

eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott) (12/28/90)

Can I send your posting to rec.humor.funny?  alt.folklore.computers?

(BTW, if this really is a serious account, it's touching and sad
(and still terribly funny).  It's o.k., we'll get you some
professional help, and I trust that the readership is bright
enough not to follow in your footsteps.

Excuse me, someone just called and asked me to immerse my
telephone handset in a bucket of water.  Gotta go...)

(I can't stop laughing!!!)


rbp@investor.pgh.pa.us (Bob Peirce #305) (01/02/91)

In article <1990Dec27.082848.10036@wuphys.wustl.edu> rdd@wuphys.UUCP (Rakhal D. Dave) writes:
>Here is some information I have collected over the past 10 days after receiving 
>                         NOTES ON MAKING SPACE
>1. If you are not going to use an Optical drive you can safely get rid of 
>/odmach. Remember if you ever need it that odmach and sdmach are the same 
>binary files (do a diff to confirm that) and so you can make odmach from sdmach 
>when required. 

Is there any reason why these two files exist as separate files rather
than links to a common file?  I don't have my cube yet, but on my SysV
system at work, unix is linked to unix.g.  I can boot from either if I
really want to do so.
Bob Peirce, Pittsburgh, PA				  412-471-5320
...!uunet!pitt!investor!rbp			rbp@investor.pgh.pa.us

riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu (Mark Riordan) (01/02/91)

In article <1990Dec27.082848.10036@wuphys.wustl.edu>, rdd@wuphys.wustl.edu (Rakhal D. Dave) says:
>Here is some information I have collected over the past 10 days ...

I found this posting very useful--and quite fortuitous, as it 
arrived a few hours before our first NeXTstation.  (I still don't
see what another poster saw as being so funny or sad about it.)

Anyway, I implemented some of the poster's suggestions and have a
few of my own for people who want to develop on a 105MB system.  
I'd appreciate additions or corrections to this none-too-definitive
list.  Before implementing my suggestions below, you may want to 
wait a week to see what other posters have to say first.

You can delete the dictionary and thesaurus, as mentioned in the 
Release Notes:

Saved	Name of file or directory
-----	-------------------------

17567	/NextLibrary/References

Use the command:

rm -r /NextLibrary/References

I think you can safely delete the following (assuming you don't have
a printer), though I haven't tried it.  Caveat emptor.  

961	/NextAdmin/Upgrade2.0.app
586	/usr/lib/NextPrinter
1279	/usr/lib/transcript   ?
497	/NextApps/Mail.app  (this would probably be amoung the last to go)
280	/NextApps/Webster   
448	/NextLibrary/Documentation/NextUser/Librarian.rtfd
536	/NextLibrary/Documentation/NextUser/MailCommands.rtfd
555	/NextLibrary/Documentation/NextUser/WMgrCommands.rtfd
579	/NextLibrary/Music
960	/NextAdmin/Upgrade2.0.app
27	/NextAdmin/FrameUpdate.pkg
147	/NextAdmin/PrinterTester
273	/me/Mailboxes
138	/NextDeveloper/Demos/Date
86	/NextLibrary/Images

You will want to add some or all of the following files.  If you're
really hurting for disk space, you can be selective about the 
include files, the Examples, and the libraries.  If you're not
interested in music, for instance, you can probably save several

KB	Files
----	------
3110	/usr/include
3806	/NextDeveloper/Examples
Following from /bin:
9	ar
112	as
16	atom
24	cc
24	cc++
120	ebadexec
9	file
16	g++filt
288	gdb
264	kgdb
96	ld
18	nm
1	nm++
160	otool
8	ranlib
12	segedit
4	size
12	strip

3580	/lib
813	/NextApps/InterfaceBuilder

Following from /usr/lib:
16      libMallocDebug.a
2181    libNeXT_p.a
363     libNeXT_s.a
10      libPeep.a
53      libarrayproc.a
57      libarrayproc_p.a
3       libc++.a
134     libcs.a
48      libcurses.a
53      libcurses_p.a
38      libdb.a
2       libdbm.a
3       libdbm_p.a
111     libdpsops.a
756     libdsp_p.a
68      libdsp_s.a
1       libg.a
17      libkernload.a
5       libl.a
6       libl_p.a
5       libln.a
82      libloadserv.a
30      libm.a
33      libm_p.a
22      libmidi.a
23      libmidi_p.a
15      libmp.a
16      libmp_p.a
1524    libmusic_p.a
292     libmusic_s.a
330     libni.a
337     libni_g.a
58      libni_p.a
23      libni_s.a
29      libnm.a
32      libnm_p.a
25      librpcsvc.a
6       libtermcap.a
6       libtermlib.a
8       libtermlib_p.a
2       liby.a
3       liby_p.a

996	/usr/lib/nib
3306	"/NextLibrary/Documentation/Unix/ManPages/man*"

I used the following to copy from another NeXT (cl-next1) that had the full
2.0 release installed.  (I was logged in as "root" and the
other machine had my hostname in its /.rhosts .)

rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/ar        | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/as        | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/atom      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/cc        | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/cc++      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/ebadexec  | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/file      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/g++filt   | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/gdb       | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/kgdb      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/ld        | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/nm        | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/nm++      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/otool     | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/ranlib    | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/segedit   | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/size      | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /bin/strip     | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /usr/include     | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /NextApps/InterfaceBuilder | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 "tar cfB - /usr/lib/lib*"  | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /NextDeveloper/Examples  | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /usr/lib/nib | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - /lib | tar xfBv -
rsh cl-next1 tar cfB - "/NextLibrary/Documentation/Unix/ManPages/man*" | tar xfBv -

After removing the directory /NextLibrary/References and doing the
above tar's, the 105MB system has 18MB of free space (as reported
by df).  I have successfully compiled and run the BreakApp example
and have compiled and run several non-trivial traditional C programs 
using this setup, so at least I'm headed in the right direction.

This is a first pass--comments appreciated.

Mark Riordan   Michigan State University  riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu

louie@sayshell.umd.edu (Louis A. Mamakos) (01/02/91)

In article <1991Jan1.164445.20029@investor.pgh.pa.us> rbp@investor.pgh.pa.us (Bob Peirce #305) writes:

>>1. If you are not going to use an Optical drive you can safely get rid of 

>Is there any reason why these two files exist as separate files rather
>than links to a common file?

They are actually links to the same file.  Thus deleting /odmach will only
free an inode on the disk.


jacob@gore.com (Jacob Gore) (01/03/91)

/ comp.sys.next / rbp@investor.pgh.pa.us (Bob Peirce #305) / Jan  1, 1991 /
> >1. If you are not going to use an Optical drive you can safely get rid of 
> >/odmach
> >...
> Is there any reason why these two files exist as separate files rather
> than links to a common file?

I don't have 2.0 yet, but on 1.0, they ARE links to a common file:

	jacob@blackbox> ls -i /??mach
	   219 /odmach	   219 /sdmach

Jacob Gore		Jacob@Gore.Com			boulder!gore!jacob

lacsap@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Pascal Chesnais) (01/06/91)

I too was both frightened and amused by the original posting...  The reason
I was frigthened was that the original poster had no solid plan as to what he
was trying to accomplish, but rather he decided that by experiementation he
would arrive at a working machine....  I was amused because the original
poster did things which could end up having the machine in a real
confused state!  This method is fine if you don't really care if your machine
works or not.


What I am suggesting is that we draft up a reference model that would
be neat for 105Mb NextStation...  The following is a BLD script for
one that we have here at the lab in order that the machine has a compiler
and tools local...  we NFS mount NextLibrary and NextDeveloper from
another machine...  We use 330 drive with the complete distribution
in a shoebox that we attach to the machine we want to build, and
use /usr/etc/builddisk scripts...  What I'd like to see is that the
NextGurus out there take this and build up a manual for configuring
machines correctly from the start, like we did for the .8 -> .9 -> 1.0
upgrades...  The manual should describe what type of systems can be
run, and then we should put BLD.scripts that local computer centers,
campus consultants etc can use...  


# NeXT File System build procedure
# Build a hard disk from booted file system
# Release 2.0
# Assume we will have machines to NFS mount all the other useful stuff
# Build the read-write partition (a)
# First check the size of the source directories
size	a /.NeXT
size	a /bin
size	a /NextApps
size	a /NextLibrary/Fonts
size	a /NextLibrary/Sounds
size	a /lib
size	a /usr
size    a /usr/template/user
size    a /odmach
size	a /.hidden
size	a /.login
size	a /.cshrc
size	a /.profile
# Add a pad for the swapfile, which SHOULD be 16MB
addsize	a 16384
# Check size of stuff created by newclient
size	a /usr/template/client
fit	a
# Fill in the root directory
symlink	a $BOOTFILE			/mach
chmod	a 1777				/
copy	a /.hidden			/.hidden
copy	a /.login			/.login
copy	a /.cshrc			/.cshrc
copy	a /.profile			/.profile
load	a /.NeXT			/.NeXT
# Build the "private" symlinks
symlink	a private/etc			/etc
symlink	a private/dev			/dev
symlink	a private/tmp			/tmp
# Lay down the files we need most at boot
load	a /usr/template			/usr/template
load	a /usr/etc			/usr/etc
load	a /bin				/bin
exec	a /usr/etc			./newclient -p sd330 /mnta/usr/template/client /mnta/private
# Now lay down what we want close together after boot
load	a /usr/shlib			/usr/shlib
load	a /usr/lib/NextStep		/usr/lib/NextStep
load	a /NextLibrary/Fonts		/NextLibrary/Fonts
load	a /NextLibrary/Sounds		/NextLibrary/Sounds
load	a /NextApps			/NextApps
load	a /lib				/lib
load	a /usr				/usr
mkdirs	a /Net
# Put kernels on the disk
copy	a /odmach			/odmach
link	a /odmach			/sdmach
# Build the home directory
load	a /usr/template/user		/me
rchown	a me				/me
chmod	a 777				/me
Pascal Chesnais, Research Specialist, Electronic Publishing Group
Media Laboratory, E15-348, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, Ma, 02139 (617) 253-0311
email: lacsap@plethora.media.mit.edu (NeXT)