[comp.sys.next] stupid question #2000 ...

jcd@ecersg.ncsu.edu (Joseph C. Davis) (01/09/91)

OK, I have just recieved my NextStation ( see previous post ), and have gotten
some things to work, and am working on others.  Now, I have a few stupid 
questions from playing around:

1)  why can i not get the finder function  to find files in the 'Next*'
	directories or the Unix expert directories ( dev,bin, etc)?  Is there
	a way to set this?  I was in expert mode in the workspace, so i could 
	see the directory, but unless i told it to look in that directory 
	specifically, it would not find the file. ie, if i did a mulit-level
	find, it wouldn't find it. ??????

2)  is there a way to tell the BuildDOS program how you want to format your 
	disk ( 720 or 1.44 ) ?

3)  i have downloaded kermit5a from cs.orst.edu and gotten it to my computer
	via PC disks.  it untars nicely, but i can't seem to get it to work 
	with the modem properly.  Our school uses 8bits, no parity, and 1 stop
	bit.  I have this set, as well as the modem set to the proper type
	( hayes compatible ) and the line to the proper speed ( 2400 ).  I 
	have connected to ttya ( the A serial port ). Tip works fine, and 
	kermit will dial, but when it connects, i get trash on my screen.  It
	seems to be a speed problem, but the number that i am using only has 
	one speed ( 2400 ), and i have been using this same modem with a Mac
	to dial into this number for years. ?????? if i 'connect' to the modem,
	and try to 'atz' or even 'at,' it just echos back to the screen on the
	next line.  no OK or anything from the modem. ???????????????

4)  i also got Archive from cs.orst.edu and untarred it.  the read.me file says
	that there is extensive help in the program, but when i double click 
	on the icon, it launches and then immediately dies. ?????? no menu, no 
	nothing.  does this application work on 2.0?

Thank you for your time.

now, back to the fun.

 Joseph C. Davis							      
 North Carolina State University  	e-mail:  jcd@ecegabriel.ncsu.edu      
	   * People are not basically stupid - they just act that way.* -me