lbg@gitpyr.UUCP (Lee B Grey, Programmer Extraordinaire) (09/11/85)
[ I hope you choke on it ] I was introduced to AMWAY last night. Before last night, I would have said that the whole thing was a scam. I mean, have you ever met anyone who owns an AMWAY product? With 1 million distributors and ~300 million Americans, there is a salesman for every 300 of us. Who is buying their stuff???? Despite my initial bias and inborn skepticism, I listened. By the end of the night, I was either brainwashed by my own greed, hypnotized by the guy's white-board technique, or fairly impressed by the content of his presentation. Today, a friend of mine and I did rather extensive research and turned up very little dirt on AMWAY. So, I am turning to you...MY FRIENDS. Has anyone out there had any experience with AMWAY? Do you actually know of anyone who was/is involved? Any AMWAY customers? Is getting involved with AMWAY like getting involved with the KGB or the Mafia, i.e. once you're in, you'll never get yourself uninvolved? The whole thing sounds very enticing, but, what can you expect from people who are in it up to their eyeballs? I want informed, unbiased information. Can you help me? I am not looking for good news. Or bad news. Just the truth. Please respond to me through mail. If anyone asks, I will summarize and repost, assuming I get a response. Thanks, a lot. Lee Grey P.S. I keep picturing myself getting involved in this awful organization, but no one knows it is awful but the people who are in. Only they're not telling. Like the first story in Stephen King's Cat's Eye, where your "friends" help you quit smoking and over-eating.