[comp.sys.next] exportfs question

wrb@milton.u.washington.edu (William Barker) (01/17/91)

A question for all you UNIX gurus out there:

Does anyone know how the "exportfs" command works?  I know
from available documentation that it reads the /etc/exports file and
updates the /etc/xtab file, but what I really want to know is what
else it does.  It must do something because just adding an entry
to the /etc/xtab file doesn't mean a host can NFS mount that
directory.  So it's doing additional work.  But what?

I'm writing an user app that simpliflies the tasks of exporting
a directory to NFS clients.  I know all about the exportent.h calls.
What else do I need to look at?

Thanks in advance.


Bill Barker
U of Washington