[comp.sys.next] Random stuff

aberno@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Anthony Berno) (01/16/91)

Just a few random notes of general interest.

I chatted with my computer salesman today... my cube will be in "any day now
now"... sigh... anyway, we chatted about the "sample" processors, and
HE said that NeXT told him (who got it from the lady next door who
saw in in the Enquirer) that the reason for the "sample" chips has to 
do with some nicities regarding the fact that Motorola is giving all of
its chips to NeXT. In order to do this without getting everyone upset, they
have to provide them as "sample" chips. Really, they aren't, not in 
practice. It's just a convention. = )

Also, I got to play with SoftPC, and it sure works well, albeit slowly.
Not so slowly that it is annoying, just slow. I played with AutoCad, and 
it was very strange to have a PC screen in front of my eyes like that...

Finally, I got some mail from a guy at NeXT that commented on the 
bugginess of Icon... Yep, it's buggy. Nice to see that NeXT people
actually read this forum. Hello out there, this is your paycheque
speaking!   = )

glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us (Glenn Reid) (01/17/91)

In article <gNFuV3w164w@questor.wimsey.bc.ca> aberno@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Anthony Berno) writes:

>I chatted with my computer salesman today... my cube will be in "any day now
>now"... sigh... anyway, we chatted about the "sample" processors, and
>HE said that NeXT told him (who got it from the lady next door who
>saw in in the Enquirer) that the reason for the "sample" chips has to 
>do with some nicities regarding the fact that Motorola is giving all of
>its chips to NeXT. In order to do this without getting everyone upset, they
>have to provide them as "sample" chips. Really, they aren't, not in 
>practice. It's just a convention. = )

Motorola was awarded the coveted Malcolm Baldridge Quality award a year
or two ago, and I, for one, have a great deal of confidence in my '040
chip that is stamped `sample'.

>Finally, I got some mail from a guy at NeXT that commented on the 
>bugginess of Icon... Yep, it's buggy. Nice to see that NeXT people
>actually read this forum. Hello out there, this is your paycheque
>speaking!   = )

Icon was written by a graphic designer, not a software engineer.  It is
an impressive piece of work and a testament both to the designer and
to the NeXTstep programming environment that he could pull it together.
But note that it is in the Demos directory, not in NextApps, and given
its complexity, it's not surprising that there are some bugs.

 Glenn Reid				RightBrain Software
 glenn@heaven.woodside.ca.us		NeXT/PostScript developers
 ..{adobe,next}!heaven!glenn		415-851-1785 (fax 851-1470)