[comp.sys.next] X - Cease Fire

lacsap@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Pascal Chesnais) (01/17/91)

I think the thread has gone beyond productive discsussion at this
point.  If people feel this topic is important to discuss further,
then I suggest that new newsgroup comp.sys.next.x be started to
discuss these issues.  However don't debate that here.

I have gotten probably all the useful information out of this
dicussion at this point, and I suspect everyone else too.  It would be
good if people got back to being helpful here, whether it is
programming tips, system administration stuff, or to share cool hacks.

I'd like to remind people when they post that they investigate
thoroughly what they claim to be facts: I have made that mistake in
the past, and it results in more noise being produced.  This includes
reading the man page, trying out commands, or even finding out what
status a person has within an organization.

If you feel you or an issue has been wronged, or mis-represented in a
posting, I suggest that you discuss it directly with the author of the
posting via e-mail.  If the author thinks it is worth posting a
correction s/he will.  This will reduce the number of duplicate
postings in response to an article.


Pascal Chesnais, Research Specialist, Electronic Publishing Group
Media Laboratory, E15-348, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, Ma, 02139 (617) 253-0311
email: lacsap@plethora.media.mit.edu (NeXT)

lindahl@arrisun3.utarl.edu (Charlie S. Lindahl) (01/18/91)

In article <4913@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> lacsap@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Pascal Chesnais) writes:

   I think the thread has gone beyond productive discsussion at this
   point.  If people feel this topic is important to discuss further,
   then I suggest that new newsgroup comp.sys.next.x be started to
   discuss these issues.  However don't debate that here.

Hear Hear! I know it probably won't do much good, but I SECOND THE MOTION! 
Let's get back to nifty NeXT specific discussions and route the X/NeXTstep
discussions to alt.religion.window-fanatics! 

My 2 cents.
Charlie S. Lindahl
Automation and Robotics Research Institute
University of Texas at Arlington
Internet EMAIL: lindahl@evax.arl.utexas.edu

Standard disclaimer: Ain't no opinion but my own.