[comp.sys.next] Communication programs

hsg@duke.cs.duke.edu (Henry Greenside) (01/18/91)

I plan to use a NeXTstation from home, connecting
occasionally via a Telebit 9600 baud modem to computers
at the University.

I would like vt100 emulation on a large screen (80
characters with 40 lines or more), Tektronix 4014
emulation (with automatic entry upon detection of Tek
vectors), the ability to save and to edit Tektronix
pictures as PostScript, and the ability to transfer
files back and forth between the NeXT machine and
university fileservers (kermit, xmodem, others?).

Note: I plan to try SLIP or PPP with X at some point,
but strongly suspect the response will be quite slow
compared to vt100 terminal emulation. Too bad that a
software version of the GraphOn X-terminals has not
appeared, which use compression and remote memory on
fileservers to make X acceptably fast.

Can people in a similar situation tell me what software
they are using for telecomputing? Is it necessary to
purchase the commercial product Communicae to meet
these goals? Can anyone who has used Communicae tell me
if they are pleased with this software?

