[comp.sys.next] Remotes-2.0

rpruess@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Rex Pruess) (01/24/91)

I've upgraded Remotes to run under NeXT System Release 2.0.  Remotes-2.0
supports the NeXT Terminal application and the Stuart shareware product.

I have submitted Remotes to the pub/next/submissions directory at cs.orst.edu.
It should appear at sonata.cc.purdue.edu in the near future.

The Remotes-2.0 README file follows.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
README -- Remotes-2.0 description and installation notes (January, 1991)

Remotes is a companion package to Terminal and Stuart.  It simplifies the
management of Terminal and Stuart sessions.

Remotes can launch local Terminal and Stuart sessions.  It can also establish
sessions with remote hosts using the rlogin, telnet, and tn3270 protocols.

The primary window is so tiny that you can hide it behind the dock.  It
consists of a single button that displays a pop-up list of your local and
remote hosts.  To launch a new Terminal or Stuart session, just drag to the
desired entry in your pop-up list.

Each host configuration (e.g., auto start, window location, lines, columns,
font, font size, protocol, login ID, etc) can be tailored individually.

Just as you can auto launch applications, Remotes can be configured to auto
launch Terminal and Stuart sessions.  When you launch Remotes, it can
automatically establish sessions with remote hosts.  This is useful if you
auto launch Remotes from your dock.  Simply logging in to your NeXT can
establish sessions with foreign hosts.

For more information, select help from the Remotes menu.

Remotes-2.0 requires NeXT System Release 2.0 (standard or extended).
If you wish to use Stuart with Remotes-2.0, you must use Stuart Release 2.0.
(Stuart is not required to use Remotes, however.)

Remotes has been placed into the pub/next/submissions directory at cs.orst.edu.
It should appear at sonata.cc.purdue.edu in the near future.

1. Unpack the source code
   % uncompress -cvV Remotes-2.0.tar.Z | tar xvf -

2. Install Remotes in the desired installation directory.  Usually, this
   is your personal Apps directory, ~/Apps, or the system Apps directory,
   /LocalApps.  To install it in your personal Apps directory, type:

   % cd Remotes-2.0
   % make install

Getting Started
When you first launch Remotes, it will create local Terminal and Stuart
entries.  To launch one of these two entries, click on the button in the Hosts
window, drag to the desired choice, release the button, and the Terminal or
Stuart application will be launched.

Select the configuration menu option and the configuration window will appear.
Click on the Remote Systems button, drag to the desired entry, release the
button, and the characteristics for the entry will be displayed.  Additional
hosts can be created by filling in the appropriate fields and clicking on the
add button.  Similarly, host configurations can be deleted or changed.

Select the help menu option for more information.

Remotes is under the terms of the GNU General Public License.  Refer to the
file COPYING for details.
Rex Pruess, Weeg Computing Center, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
rpruess@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (NeXTmail)               (319) 335-5452