(james dehnert) (01/25/91)
Well, I have a new report from the battle of Business land. My Optical Drive recently decided to erase a few vital files on my optical disk [which I still boot from due to a lack of money for a hard drive] which left me with what amounts to a very expensive and pretty boat anchor. I took my Disk down to my local business land to see if they would just swap it for a good one, fully believing that it was the disk at fault and not the drive. When i arived the service person told me that NeXT has extended the waranty on some of the optical drives, and that I should look at the serial number on the drive and see if it was one of the affected units. I went home, and truley, I had an affected unit. I brought it in and 4 days later had it back home, BUT I still have an Optical Disk that i cannot boot from. The service department tells me that they "Have no way to repair my disk", and the Manager Mark Krask told me that I will probably have to "Mail it up to San Jose" to get it rebuilt!! Hows that for service!! All i can say is for all of you in the San Diego area, avoid buying a NeXT at business land if at all possible. They cannot offer even the most basic services without some kind of headache at least, and for the rest of the world "Buyer Beware Of Business Land". Fortunatley i have heard from some NeXT people that NeXT is getting close to sighning some new companies to do service, which is a policy i endorse with all of my being. Perhaps some day my cube will run again, but until then al i cn=an do is echo someone elses sentiment, As long as Business Land is the sole outlet for NeXT computers to the general public, NeXT will NEVER make any serious impact in the business or home computer market. With any luck Business Land will become Out Of Business Land befor too long, and if the service that i have recieved is any example of their standard of service, it's a miracle that they are still in business at all. Finally, I would like to apeal to the Cube owners in San Diego to contact me via e-mail, or phone at 452-0224 if you can help me rebuild my optical disk with system 1.0. Iv'e ordered my upgrade but untill i get that I will stay with 1.0. Hopefully, I can have my computer running before my next program is due in class on the 28th. If you call me please leave a mesage for Zeke [ its what I answer to, and thanks again for indulging me.]