sfl@chem.ucsd.edu (Susan Fichera) (01/25/91)
I recently posted a request for pointers to an application that would allow me to manage multiple remote logins. THe post about the availability of the Remotes-2.0 program appeared right after I finished submitting my message. Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my request. There were suggestions for programs that run under OS1.0 as well as 2.0. Since I currently have both these versions running on various machines, this was especially helpful. To summarize briefly, the Remotes-2.0 application is available from the archives on cs.orst.edu and sonata.cc.purdue.edu. There was a Remotes-1.0 version - this may still be in the archives. Also running under 1.0 is the Tools program. Would there be any reason why this would not also work under 2.0? Perhaps Steve Dorner can answer this. Anyway, it allows for a .toolsrc setup file for customized use, which looks pretty straight forward. Again, thanks everyone. This group is great. Susan
rpruess@yoyo.weeg.uiowa.edu (Rex Pruess) (01/25/91)
I've had a few inquiries about Remotes. I'll try answer them here. Remotes-1.0 was designed under NeXT System Release 1.0. Remotes-1.0 invokes the Terminal and/or Shell apps. Some have continued to run Remotes-1.0 under NeXT 2.0. Keep in mind the Terminal app was re-written; the Shell app was removed. Remotes-1.0 is not recommended for NeXT 2.0 users. Remotes-2.0 requires the NeXT System Release 2.0 (standard or extended). It depends on the new Terminal functionality. It can also invoke the Stuart 2.0 shareware product. Refer to Remote's Help for more details. I checked the archive sites a few minutes ago. The current locations for the two Remotes versions are summarized below: Version Site Location 1.0 sonata.cc.purdue.edu /pub/next/source/Remotes-1.0.tar.Z 2.0 sonata.cc.purdue.edu /pub/next/2.0software/Remotes-2.0.tar.Z 2.0 cs.orst.edu /pub/next/sources/Remotes-2.0.tar.Z -- Rex Pruess, Weeg Computing Center, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 rpruess@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (NeXTmail) (319) 335-5452