[comp.sys.next] Archives

jasmerb@mist.CS.ORST.EDU (Bryce Jasmer) (01/03/90)

Just to let everyone know that there is some new stuff on the cs.orst.edu
archives (and soon to migrate to the others).

Eyecon: "one of those absolutely necessary applications"
  If you are familiar with xeyes under X windows, then you will love Eyecon.
  It displays two eyes in the application icon and the eyeballs follow the
  cursor around the screen. Find it in /pub/next/sources.

CharFind 1.0:
  An update to an earlier version. This is a binary file (no source included)
  so you can find it in /pub/next/binaries.

Bryce Jasmer

iwelch@agsm.ucla.edu (Ivo Welch) (01/25/91)

Could the archive  keepers please create a  new directory, called  say 2.0, in
which stuff that runs under 2.0, lives? Some of this may  just be links to old
other software, but it would help a lot of users to not download software that
then crashes the computer.

Incidentally, has someone  put together a list  of the minimum files  that are
necessary to boot from, and start restoring? Since I intend to sell  my OD and
buy a DAT drive for backup, I need to know how to restore the  system harddisk
if that is what crashes.

/ivo welch

tjb@unhd.unh.edu (Thomas J. Baker) (01/26/91)

In article <792@mara.cognet.ucla.edu> iwelch@agsm.ucla.edu (Ivo Welch) writes:
>Could the archive  keepers please create a  new directory, called  say 2.0, in
>which stuff that runs under 2.0, lives? Some of this may  just be links to old
>other software, but it would help a lot of users to not download software that
>then crashes the computer.

While we are on the subject of archive servers, would it be possible to have
some mechanism along the lines of a RECENT.FILES file?  I know I can get the
0ls-lR file and grep it for the current or yesterday's date, but when you 
don't check for a week or so, this can become tedious.  It wasn't as bad when
the INDEX files weren't updated each night:  you could tell by the dates on 
the directories if there were any new files but no more.

This is not intended as a flame, just a polite request.  I certainly can live
if it can't be done.



| INTERNET: tjb@mozz.unh.edu                  USPS:           Thomas Baker |
|   USENET: uunet!unhd.unh.edu!tjb                   Distributed Computing |
|     NeXT: tjb@IceCube.unh.edu                        Kingsbury Hall, UNH |
|    Voice: (603) 862-4490                                Durham, NH 03824 |

| INTERNET: tjb@mozz.unh.edu                  USPS:           Thomas Baker |
|   USENET: uunet!unhd.unh.edu!tjb                   Distributed Computing |
|     NeXT: tjb@IceCube.unh.edu                        Kingsbury Hall, UNH |