[comp.sys.next] TN3270 keyboard

matthews@lewhoosh.umd.edu (Mike Matthews) (02/05/91)

In article <91032.085025IO92080@MAINE.BITNET> IO92080@MAINE.BITNET (Steven A. Nickerson) writes:
>I was just wondering if someone could tell me how to redefine the
>arrow keys and the delete key in a TN3270 mode?   It really bothers
>me not to be able to backspace over my errors and not to be able to
>move around the screen with the arrow keys.   Thanks for any help.
>One option might be...does anyone have a "good" TN3270 keymap that
>I could FTP?   That would save me the hasle!
>S.A. Nickerson

Well, this is all a matter of taste.  On the DEC Ultrix machines we have here
on campus, the arrow keys can be used for tn3270 as well.  I was really used
to it and then came the NeXT.  Now either is fine with me.

To change the mappings, just take a look at /etc/map3270.  That is where all
of the key mappings are kept.
Mike Matthews, matthews@lewhoosh.umd.edu (NeXT)/matthews@umdd (bitnet)
Do not underestimate the value of print statements for debugging.
Don't have aesthetic convulsions when using them, either.

riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu (Mark Riordan) (02/06/91)

>In article <91032.085025IO92080@MAINE.BITNET> IO92080@MAINE.BITNET (Steven A. Nickerson) writes:
>>One option might be...does anyone have a "good" TN3270 keymap that
>>I could FTP?   That would save me the hasle!

I had the same problem.  I wonder what they were thinking of when
they configured /etc/map3270.

You can FTP my configuration from  cl-next3.cl.msu.edu   (

Mark Riordan   Michigan State University   riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu

matthews@lewhoosh.umd.edu (Mike Matthews) (02/06/91)

In article <1991Feb5.163036.9236@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu (Mark Riordan) writes:
>I had the same problem.  I wonder what they were thinking of when
>they configured /etc/map3270.

>You can FTP my configuration from  cl-next3.cl.msu.edu   (

>Mark Riordan   Michigan State University   riordanmr@clvax1.cl.msu.edu

They were probably thinking along the lines of being standard.

With the default setup, you don't have to move your fingers off the home row
to move the cursor around.  Takes some getting used to, but so does
Mike Matthews, matthews@lewhoosh.umd.edu (NeXT)/matthews@umdd (bitnet)
The older a man gets, the farther he had to walk to school as a boy.