[comp.sys.next] SPLIT GROUP! either vote or table the discussion

news@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Remote news user) (02/15/91)

In article <1077@kaos.MATH.UCLA.EDU> barry@pico.math.ucla.edu (Barry Merriman)  
> Soon I think people will be begging for a 
> comp.sys.next.group_splitting_proposals as the N^2 effect kicks in :-)
> Barry Merriman

To add to that comment, can people stop posting proposals about how
to split the group?  It is increasing the load for naught.  Unless you
have a serious proposal and volunteer to do all the necessary steps
of creating new newsgroups (that is to say take votes, and then do
the red-tape to get the usenet gods to agree to carry new groups)
don't post anymore on this subject.

Pascal Chesnais, Research Specialist, Electronic Publishing Group
Media Laboratory, E15-351, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, Ma, 02139 (617) 253-0311
email: lacsap@plethora.media.mit.edu (NeXT)

coco@cbnewsl.att.com (felix.a.lugo) (02/15/91)

In article <5223@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> news@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Remote news user) writes:
| To add to that comment, can people stop posting proposals about how
| to split the group?  It is increasing the load for naught.  Unless you
| have a serious proposal and volunteer to do all the necessary steps
| of creating new newsgroups (that is to say take votes, and then do
| the red-tape to get the usenet gods to agree to carry new groups)
| don't post anymore on this subject.
| Pascal Chesnais, Research Specialist, Electronic Publishing Group
| Media Laboratory, E15-351, 20 Ames Street, Cambridge, Ma, 02139 (617) 253-0311
| email: lacsap@plethora.media.mit.edu (NeXT)

	Apparently Mr. Chesnais has never heard of freedom of expression!!!!
	People don't have to do "something" to be allowed to do "something
	else", or vice-versa, stop doing "something" if they're not going to
	do "something else".

	What is involved in registering new groups in net-land?
	Could someone please send me this info!

** ============================================================================
**  Felix A. Lugo					AT&T Bell Laboratories
**	E-Mail:
**	(708) 713-4374	coco@ihlpb.att.com	att!ihlpb!coco
**	NeXT-Mail:
**	(708) 515-0668	coco@alien.att.com	alien.att.com!bootsie!coco
** ============================================================================

jacob@gore.com (Jacob Gore) (02/15/91)

/ comp.sys.next / coco@cbnewsl.att.com (felix.a.lugo) / Feb 14, 1991 /
> 	What is involved in registering new groups in net-land?
> 	Could someone please send me this info!

Read news.announce.newusers.

Jacob Gore		Jacob@Gore.Com			boulder!gore!jacob