[comp.sys.next] Saving postscript f/writenow and also re:icon

pharr-matthew@CS.YALE.EDU (Matthew Pharr) (02/16/91)

Two questions here. 
Both will likely have quite simple and obvious answers, but I've tried my
darndest and cant figure out either.

1) The NeXT I use isn't connected to a network or a printer of any sort, so
for printing, I use the SAVE command in the print dialog to save it do disk.
I then take the disk to a sun and send it to an apple laserwriter. This
works fine for basic Times, Helvectica, etc, fonts that are already in the
laserwriter's rom, but fonts that have to be downloaded just get printed in
courier. Obviously, the fonts need to be downloaded to the printer somehow-
Is it possible to do something so that the fonts will be put in the .ps
file and downloaded when I print? Or is the solution more complicated than

2) I feel awfully stupid about asking this -but- try as I might, I can't add
text to a file in Icon. I use the text tool, type in what I want, choose
the font, etc, etc, and hit set. Then, the text appears and I can move it
around the .tiff file. However, once I pick any other menu item or anything 
like that, it disappears, and the file is as it was before... Very annoying...

Thanks in advance,
