[comp.sys.next] 040 SCSI2 <-> SCSI 1 Cable not available

jiro@com (Jiro Nakamura) (02/16/91)

   I just phoned NeXTConnection (1-800-800-NEXT) and the SCSI 2 <-> SCSI 1
Cable for the 040 machines is backordered. Next shipment is around the
beginning of March. Sigh.....
   Cornell also is backordered for the cables. Our NeXT place can't
get them for another 3 weeks (multiply this by the industry standard
bullsh*t factor of 1.5 and it will be another month). Sigh sigh....
   Can anyone get them? I *urgently* need one. Development at Shaman
can't stop for two weeks. Maybe I'll go back back to the 030 (are you
kidding??????). The 040 is damn fast, by the way.

   - Jiro Nakamura

ps. If anyone has a source, please please post it. I'm willing to pay
extra, I just need a cable.
pps. No affiliation with NeXTConnection, even as a customer because they
don't have any cables. :-(

Jiro Nakamura				uunet!shaman!jiro
Shaman Consulting			(607) 253-0687 VOICE
"Bring your dead, dying shamans here!"	(607) 253-7809 FAX/Modem

jacob@gore.com (Jacob Gore) (02/16/91)

/ comp.sys.next / jiro@com (Jiro Nakamura) / Feb 15, 1991 /
> Can anyone get [the SCSI 2 <-> SCSI 1 cables]?

Fast Access (708-530-7749) sells them for $55.  I don't know about the
color.  As far as I know, they have them in stock.

Jacob Gore		Jacob@Gore.Com			boulder!gore!jacob