[comp.sys.next] Mach 3.0 Microkernel available

garnett@cs.utexas.edu (John William Garnett) (02/26/91)

This article contains a repost of a post made
to comp.parallel a couple of weeks ago.  I don't
remember seeing any comments about Mach 3.0 here so
I thought this was worth reposting...

Please excuse me if this has already been posted
or already discussed.

For those of you interested in the internals of Mach, read on.

Before anyone gets excited.. No, you can't compile this and replace
the kernel on your NeXT :-)

From: mrt@MRT.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU (Mary Thompson)

The sources for the Mach 3.0 micro-kernel are now available for anonymous
ftp from CMU. This is just the first step in a license-free distribution
of Mach. Unless you are currently running a Mach 2.5 system, the only use 
of these files at the moment is to read them. We do not provide all the tools
that you need to build a kernel, since we do not have such tools available
in a license-free form yet. 

  The  Mach  3.0  micro-kernel provides the following functions: virtual memory
management, inter-process communication, tasks, threads, exceptions, scheduling
primitives and device drivers.

  It  does  not  provide  a file system, tty i/o, network support or other Unix
features like signal and Unix tasks. The micro-kernel alone does not give you  a
usable operating system. If you have a Mach 2.5 license (which implies a
BSD license) you can arrange to sup the Mach 3.0 Unix single server. Which
together with the micro-kernel and rest of the Mach 2.5 binaries provides
a Unix compatible environment.

The Mach 3.0 micro-kernel sources can be anonymously ftp'ed from
CMU as follows:

ftp cs.cmu.edu  or
Name: anonymous
cd mach3

At this point standard ftp commands will work. There are
several information files there and three compressed tar files:

The Mach3.info file gives a description of the current status
of Mach3 development work.

The READ_ME file gives a brief description of the source
file organization.

The VERSION file contains the version number of the
kernel sources in the tar files. Check it to see when 
you need to get a new copy of the sources.
FTP.inst is this file.

default.tar.Z (1506K)	The machine independent code
i386.tar.Z (117K)	i386 specific code
mips.tar.Z (470K)	DecStation 3100/5000 specific code

The files use relative pathnames and are designed to be 
extracted in the same directory. Use a standard tar extraction
command such as:
  /usr/ucb/uncompress default.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

The subdirectory src contains all the individual files which
can be ftp'ed separately if desired. They are identical to
the contents of the tar files. The end of the file 
src/latest/MERGE_HISTORY describes the latest changes. 

If you have any questions about this distribution, they
should be directed to mach@cs.cmu.edu, but please read all
the information documents first. If you are having trouble
with ftp be sure that you are connecting to the right machine
(cs.cmu.edu and that you are doing a "cd mach3"
command before you try to retrieve any files.

Thanks to Mr. Saitoh Akinori at Osaka University  the Mach3 
sources can be ftp'ed from the following sites in Japan:

sh.wide.ad.jp or
Name: ftp

Standard ftp commands will work.
Files copied from CMU stored with no change.
Contact e-mail address: kato@wide.sfc.keio.ac.jp
ftp.dit.co.jp or
Name: ftp
cd pub/MACH

Standard ftp commands will work.
Files are split into 250,000 bytes.
Contact e-mail address: toku@dit.co.jp
ftp.mei.co.jp or
Name: ftp
cd mach

Standard ftp commands will work.
Both original and split files are stored.
Files are split into 128 Kbytes
Contact e-mail address:  ftp-admin@isl.mei.co.jp
ftp.ics.osaka-u.ac.jp or
Name: ftp
cd MACH3

Standard ftp commands will work.
Files are split into 128 Kbytes
Contact e-mail address: ftp-admin@ics.osaka-u.ac.jp

ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp  or
Name: ftp

Standard ftp commands will work.
Contact e-mail address: ftp-admin@cs.titech.ac.jp

John Garnett
                              University of Texas at Austin
garnett@cs.utexas.edu         Department of Computer Science
                              Austin, Texas