[comp.sys.next] Say no to MusicProse/CODA - We don't need this !

asmith@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Adam Smith) (03/01/91)

I'd like to reiterate a side of the whole MusicProse thread going on here.

CODA has suspended development on the NeXT platform to concentrate on the 
IBM platform. In a very "real world" sense this is a good move. There are a 
lot of installed DOS machines and getting a return on your R&D right away is 
likely to be an easier task. A hell of a lot of users here seem to have 
taken up the cause of begging CODA and it's wayward CEO to return to the 
NeXT. I say good ridance to them and lets move on.

Why did you buy a NeXT?

Did you buy it becuase you wanted to be compatible with a huge installed 
base of users?

Did you buy it because it offers you a choice of thousands of software 
packages, as near as your local major drug store/software dealer/Sears/etc?

Did you buy it becuase it was one of the least expensive systems available 
(ignoring price/performance ratios)?


You bought a NeXT to share in the vision of a superior computer and 
computing environment. We have all put our faith in Mr Jobs, and put our 
money behind him and those others that share the vision. We want something 
better and we are willing to go out on a limb for it. We are not prepared to 
let computing technology sit still. We want the future and we want it NOW.

So why in hell's name are we begging, and I do mean begging, CODA to 
"puullleeezz" come back into the fold. One of the few nice things about this 
industry is that if someone makes a dumb move, there are often a handfull of 
young hotshots out there just waiting to fill in the gap and knock the "old 
men" out of the game.

I, for one, feel that if CODA is going to abandon the NeXT for the IBM 
market--a platform that is perhaps the WORST platform for creating music 
currently available--then let them go and bring me someone with the 

My diginity is fully intact, I have faith that if CODA wants to abandon us, 
then someone else will be willing to beat them at their own game. Two years 
from now "Finale for Windows" might sell reasonably well for CODA, but they 
will no longer have the "hotest music software going". I'm dying to see who 
it is that will.

I guess this is a challenge. The competition isn't looking, if you are a 
developer with an interest in the project, please pick it up and make us all 
happy and restore the pride we seem to be in danger of losing. This is a 
chance for you, mr developer without a cause, to make your mark. Kick some 
MIDI ass.

  asmith@questor.uucp         The Chameleon Papers - Vancouver, BC  CANADA
                   Graphic Artist - Bad Mood Guy - NeXT user
                      (The last two are in no way related)
   "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" (Evil Dead II)