[comp.sys.next] Reading *.eps Files Using FrameMaker

martin@icsl.ucla.edu (Kenneth Martin/) (03/09/91)

I've been having trouble 'importing' encapsulated postscript files using
FrameMaker.  The command they specify is 'import' which is a subcommand
of window.  Often FrameMaker imports it as simply the postscript text

Another problem I've been having is trying to scale graphics with labels in
them that I generated using FrameMaker.  I did the graphics and then 'printed'
them into a postscript file.  I then went into the postscript file and added
a bounding box.  When I imported them using FrameMaker it crashed the whole
system (under 1.0).  I haven't tryed this yet under 2.0.  Any ideas.
-Ken Martin (martin@icsl.ucla.edu)