[comp.sys.next] Query: music scoring software for NeXT machines

dbb@tc.fluke.COM (Rapmaster Dave) (03/12/91)

A friend of mine is interested in music scoring software that runs
on NeXT machines.  The only one he knows of so far is Coda's
MusicProse.  If you know of or have used any music scoring/publishing
software on the NeXT, he'd appreciate knowing about it and I'll pass
the information along.

Please e-mail me your responses (not being a NeXT owner, I never read
comp.sys.next) and I'll summarize for the net if there's sufficient

Thanks in advance,
Dave Bartley / John Fluke Mfg. Co. / P O Box 9090 / Everett, WA 98206-9090 USA
dbb@tc.fluke.COM  ....!{uw-beaver,sun,uunet}!fluke!dbb  (Tel. +1 206 356 5781)