[comp.sys.next] Performance of networked 8 Meg slabs requested

hodges@toaster.SFSU.EDU (John Hodges) (03/21/91)

I have recently caught up on the 3500 odd csn articles posted
since I last read.

I have noticed many comments about how awful life is using a
106 Meg drive, and how great life is with more than 8 Meg RAM.

The virtues of disk space and main memory expansion are not new.
What I would like to know, from those of you who have NOT
upgraded from 8 Meg to 20+ Meg, and in particular those of you
who have your machines hooked up to a network, what life is like.

Why? Because we recently purchased 12 new NeXTs and two new Fujitsu
1.2 Geg drives, but only got enough RAM for 9 of the machines to have
20 Meg. Rough, eh? I have some unmentionable names telling me that
the 8 Meg machines will break the network, something I doubt and
would appreciate advice on (except from them :-)

Assuming that running large programs, like Ma'a or Lisp, or running
large numbers of applications, is out, then why would the lower
amount of RAM have any deleterious effect on the system?

I would also like to know, from those in the know, how many clients
you have running off a server, and what the network can "supposedly"

Thanks a heap!

	Jack Hodges, SFSU