[comp.sys.next] NeXT vs. Amiga 3000

dlcogswe@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dan Cogswell) (03/22/91)


I'm considering buying either:

	(a) An Amiga 3000 for roughyl $2500, or
	(b) A NeXTStation for roughly $3300.

I'd like some opinions as to the merits of each machine (other than
simply specs...  We all know those).  Some possible areas include:

	-- Satisfaction of the NeXT as well as NeXT, Inc.
	-- Ease of use (I'm a C.S. Major;  I can handle UNIX).
	-- Availability of quality software (and price).
	-- Usefullness of each machine (or simply one of them).

In other words, I JUST WANT SOME ADVICE!

I need a machine for my personal use:  budget-keeping, word-processing
(TeX/EMACS is fine), programming, entertainment (the "G" word),
telecomunications, etc.  Obviously, being a C.S. major UNIX experience
is a valuable asset.

Thanks, all...


waltrip@capd.jhuapl.edu (03/23/91)

In article <5491@vela.acs.oakland.edu>, dlcogswe@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dan 
Cogswell) writes:
> I'm considering buying either:
> 	(a) An Amiga 3000 for roughyl $2500, or
> 	(b) A NeXTStation for roughly $3300.

	Well, I don't have either machine (though I've had a NeXTstation on
	order since December) but since you're so insistent on my opinion:^),
	here's some comments on why I chose the NeXT.  First, I believe both
	machines are excellent.  Further, Commodore has a track record which,
	from following comp.sys.amiga, would appear second to none in
	supporting their existing users with upgrade paths, etc.  NeXT appears
	to be making strong efforts in that same direction.

	Also in common, both companies are small players in a market of
	giants, so there's a certain amount of risk to keep the old adrenylin
	flowing (will they be in business tomorrow?).

	Having said that, for $800 more (using your prices), the NeXTstation
	buyer gets 3 to 5 times the computing power of the Amiga.  S/he gets
	UNIX on top of a Mach kernel.  A state-of-the-art GUI (the Amiga is
	no slouch either).  And Ethernet.

	As an educational buyer, you have the RIGHT to a bunch of neat software
	including object-oriented language compiler support, Interface Builder,
	Mathematica and other great stuff in the so-called extended edition
	(but note that extended edition doesn't come installed on the
	200 Mbyte NeXTstation although you can order the distribution disks
	for a nominal charge or simply copy it from someone else who has it as
	you have the rights to it with your NeXTstation).  If you buy before
	March 31, you also get a free copy of Lotus Improv, a spreadsheet that
	is probably more than adequate to handle those budgeting requirements
	you mention.  There are also many other third party programs, some of
	which offer educational discounts.  Worth mentioning to a CS major are
	an implementation of the X Window System with the client libraries and
	an implementation of Motif...available from a third-party (a PD
	implementation of X with the client libraries is also available and
	may well suit your needs although it doesn't include Motif, of course,
	and I don't know whether the third party implementation of Motif
	would run with it but I expect that it would).

	I believe, however, that there is probably a wider range of software
	for the Amiga and it tends to be lower-priced than comparable software
	for the NeXT.  The bottom line is whether you can get the software you
	want/need for what you can afford.  That is an individual matter and,
	in my case at least, the answer was yes for the NeXT and I believe I
	will end up with a machine well suited to my particular desires.
> I'd like some opinions as to the merits of each machine (other than
> simply specs...  We all know those).  Some possible areas include:
> 	-- Satisfaction of the NeXT as well as NeXT, Inc.
> 	-- Ease of use (I'm a C.S. Major;  I can handle UNIX).
> 	-- Availability of quality software (and price).
> 	-- Usefullness of each machine (or simply one of them).
> In other words, I JUST WANT SOME ADVICE!
> I need a machine for my personal use:  budget-keeping, word-processing
> (TeX/EMACS is fine), programming, entertainment (the "G" word),
	Both machines, I believe, have TeX and EMACS available.  Both have
	rich programming environments (for the Amiga, that is true of both
	their UNIX and AmigaDOS).  The Amiga is probably the clear winner in
	the games category at the present time.
> telecomunications, etc.  Obviously, being a CS. major UNIX experience
	Both machines have a rich telecommunications environment but I would
	give the edge to NeXT because of the built-in Ethernet.
> is a valuable asset.
> Thanks, all...
> -- 
> Dan

	Hmmm.  Maybe we ought to make up something like a FAQ for people who
	ask "how would you compare a NeXT to a _______?"  People who compose
	the comparison should like BOTH machines and be prepared to bring out
	their good points as well as their relative strengths and weaknesses.


Internet: <waltrip@capsrv.jhuapl.edu>

Opinions expressed are my own.