[comp.sys.next] Questions... and Answers!

kkw@wam.umd.edu (Katarina Kim Wong) (03/27/91)

The results are in -- (thanks to everybody who responded :-)

    Mikel Evins <mikel@apple.com>
    Chris pyrros@cis.udel.edu 
    Kenneth K.F. Lui <tempest@ecst.csuchico.edu>
    John Landwehr jland@robbie.acns.nwu.edu 
    Lawrence Lance Latour latour@wpi.WPI.EDU 
    Art Isbell <isbell@tigger.Colorado.EDU>
    Erik Buck buckerim@udcps3.cps.udayton.edu 
    Bryce Jasmer jasmerb@ohsu.EDU 
    Mike Matthews matthews@lewhoosh.umd.edu 

Q  Does anybody know if Soft PC is shipping?  Is this program going to be
good enough that for a minute I don't know I'm not using a mid-range 286

A   It is shipping.  I gave a demo of the program... with Windows 3.0 on
     it.  It was not to fun to run....  The NEXT is about 11.1 on the CPU
     and 10 on the Disk... meaning for pure text display and number
     crunching it is FAST!

Q  I have internet access, but I am unsure about the mechanics of 
uploading NeXTmail from a home slab to my VAX account.

A  There are two ways to do this, one difficult... 

     Mail your NeXT mail to a dummy account or to yourself.  Find the
     resulting file(s) in the appropriate directories.  These files are
     uuencoded, and so can be transferred by UNIX sendmail or by other
     ASCII transmission protocols.  You then upload the uuencoded files to
     the Internet machine and, using your mailer's file-inclusion
     directive, send the file to its destination.  If the receiver is a
     NeXT machine, the mail will be automatically readable.  Otherwise, the
     receving person will have to uudecode the file by hand.  The amount of
     work it takes to send two letters this way is about equivalent to the
     amount of work it takes to get uucp set up and working. 

...and one easy...

     Get dial-in access to a UNIX host whose owners are milling to provide
     you a uucp account.  If you are a student, you can probably get an
     account on the school's machines.  If you work for a company with net
     access, they can do it.  If neither of these routes is open to you,
     you can get an account with UUNET in Arlington, VA, or with Portal
     Communications in Berkeley, CA.

Q  Those of you who have NeXTs, how often do you use NeXTmail, and do you
really find it to be that great?

A   I use NeXT mail all of the time (like now).  I just wish that everyone
     else had it so I could send goofy pictures and some audible comments
     as well...

     I have a lot of gripes with it but I will never go back to anything

     One disadvantage is the large size of mail messages with sound, etc.,
     so I guess I feel that using extra bandwidth than necessary should be

Q  Having myself never used WP on the NeXT, would anybody who *has* care
to comment? 

A   I would not pay money for it.  Sure, it's neat, but it's slow
     (unforgiveable on an 040 with 20 megs of RAM) and buggy.

     I've used WordPerfect for the NeXT quite at bit and it's a very
     flexible  program.  It's more powerful than WriteNow, and I really
     like that I can take a 3.5" disk from an IBM with a file save by WP
     5.1 (or lower) and read it DIRECTLY into WP NeXT... *all* formatting
     intact (except  equations, a new feature on 5.1) and no intermidiary
     programs to use.

     I use it all the time.  There are things that Micorosft Word can do
     that WriteNow can't, but I got WriteNow for free with my NeXT, and
     it's fine for 95% of all the writing I do.  WriteNow is not adequate
     for very large efforts (say, 200+ pages), but either WordPerfect or a
     combination of WriteNow and FrameMaker would be.

--  Katarina Kim Wong