[comp.sys.next] latest gnu diff, patch, f2c and gnu tar

simmons@rigel.neep.wisc.edu (Kim Simmons) (04/01/91)

I have put the following files on sonata.cc.purdue.edu in the submissions


All files have been compiled on a NeXT running 2.0 (with the cc compiler 
flag -O set).

NOTE: If you want to strip the executable to reduce their size then do
something like     strip programname
Look at the man page for strip

All files are installed in  /usr/local/bin by default, if there is such an
option in the Makefile. You can change this to whatever you want (by editing
the Makefile), or you can simply copy the executable to wherever you want
them. Executable have been included for all programs, so you can simply use
these or remake everything if you want. The file f2c-NeXT.tar.Z contains no
source, only executable, man page, documentation etc. The source for f2c can
be gotten from research.att.com via anonymous ftp. See the file README that
comes with f2c-NeXT.tar.Z for more details of what is what. 

To uncompress do something like (in a terminal window)

uncompress diff-1.15-NeXT.tar.Z

This leaves the file diff-1.15-NeXT.tar
To untar use the command

tar xvf diff-1.15-NeXT.tar

This produces the directory diff/ with source and an executable in it.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> patch-2.0.12u3-NeXT.tar.Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The file patch-2.0.12u3.tar.Z is a compressed tar file of the source and
executable (for a NeXT 2.0) for the latest patch program.

The file patch is an executable of the patch program.

The command  make install  should install patch in /usr/local/bin/patch and
it's man page in /usr/man/manl/patch.l 
These defaults can be changes by editing the makefile.

This source was downloaded from prep.ai.mit.edu

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diff-1.15-NeXT.tar.Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This is the latest diff from the GNU folks.

NOTE: There is a man page for diff on the NeXT. Don't touch this. There is
not a man page for the gnu diff, so you will have to use the man page on your
NeXT. Read the README file to see what is new in the gnu diff.

Read the README file in the  diff  directory.

The file diff and diff3 are executables.

This source was downloaded from prep.ai.mit.edu

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tar-1.09-NeXT.tar.Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This is gnu tar from the FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION. It has some enhancements
over regular tar that some people might be interested in.

A executable that has been compiled for NeXT 2.0 is in the directory created
by uncompressing and untaring the file tar-1.09.NeXT.tar.Z  

The file tar is an executable of gnu tar compiled on NeXT 2.0

The file tar.dvi is a dvi file of the manual.

The file tar.ps is a postscript file of the manual produced by the program
dvips (which takes a .dvi file and converts it to postscript).

The program rmt has not been built, since it is available on the NeXT (in
/etc/rmt). This program is useful for using gnu tar across the network in a
manner similar to rdump and rrestore. This is one of the advantages of gnu
tar over most other tar programs. Another one is the ability to make multi
Volume archives. This would be useful if you wanted to say tar some files to
a floppy and you had to use more than one floppy disketts to hold the files.
However i have not tried this on a NeXT, hence you will have to experiment
to get it working, if indeed it does work. It should. Another option that gnu
tar supports is the -z flag, which will uncompress (if you are unarchiving a
compressed tar file e.g tar zxvf bla.tar.Z will uncompress and untar
bla.tar.Z), or compress the tar archive that is produced by tar (if you are
archiving say a bunch of files or a sub directory tree e.g  tar zcvf
foo.tar.Z  foo/ ). Read the manual!

This source was downloaded from prep.ai.mit.edu

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> f2c-NeXT-2.0.tar.Z <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

This is the latest f2c (as of a month ago), a program that translates fortran
source code to c source code, works very well (in my experience), is free and
essentially gives you a free fortran compiler.

NOTE: In the file f77 (shell script) look at the line that says
Decide if you want inlining of math functions. If you do not then change it to 
I don't know which is better. If someone on the net could answer this
question, please do so and post.

This source was downloaded from research.att.com


Any problems or if you think that i did something wrong, let me know.

    Internet:      simmons@rigel.neep.wisc.edu
    Othernet:      simmons@hoofers.lake.mendota
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 *cannot* afford to have is a sense of perspective.