[comp.sys.next] can't access /dev/sound

zazula@uazhe0.physics.arizona.edu (RALPH ZAZULA) (04/04/91)

I'm dialing into my NeXT from school and I can't seem to run this
troubesome DSP code unless I su to root.  I don't have access to 
the Preferences at the command line (do I?) but I probably don't have
the public sound server set.  What protections should I set for
/dev/sound to enable me to access the DSP?  I'm in the wheel group...


   | Ralph Zazula                               "Computer Addict!"        |
   | University of Arizona                 ---  Department of Physics     |
   |   UAZHEP::ZAZULA                            (DecNet/HEPNet)          |
   |   zazula@uazhe0.physics.arizona.edu         (Internet)               |
   |   "You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge."  - Neil Peart    |