jjfeiler@nntp-server.caltech.edu (John Jay Feiler) (04/05/91)
I'm working on some dsp-type-toys, and need to do some conversion of mulaw to linear sound so I can send my output to the speaker without giving up controll of the DSP. Does anyone know if the source to the 56000 code that DSPSoundPlay() and its friends use is available? I've got at least two other examples of mulaw to linear, one from Dr. BuB, and another from the Driver_DOC files, but I'd like to see how NeXT itself does it. I've looked through all of the online docs, and did some manual searching, and I found som suggestive filenames such as /usr/lib/sounds/mulawsquelch.snd or something like that. Are these the routines that I think they are? Of course, these aren't *.asm files or even *.lod files, but It's possible that I might be able to use them anyway. Any and all information on these things will be greatly appreciated.... John Feiler