[comp.sys.next] NeXus Memo #6

kiss@flab.fujitsu.co.jp (Mitsuhiro Kishimoto) (04/05/91)

Hi all.

Including is a NeXus Memo #6. You can get the WriteNow version from
ETL (etlport.etl.go.jp or SRA (srawgw@sra.co.jp

Mitsuhiro Kishimoto
			NeXus Memo
		NeXT User Society in Japan
			Vol. 1 Issue 6


	1. About NeXus	2

	2. Extra Charge for Kanji Font	3

	3. Summary of the Seventh NeXus Meeting	4

	4. SIG Reports	6

	5. GUIde Introduction	7

	A. NeXus Membership Application 	8

To Contact NeXus
	(1) e-mail:
		Internet:	NeXus-office@etl.go.jp
		juice:	ohashi@sunrise.ocean.juice.or.jp
		Nikkei-MIX:	shioya
		NIFTY:	PFC02015(Ogawa), PDG03047(Yamada) 

	(2) Facsimile:
		+81-03-351-0880 (Shioya, SRA, Inc.)

	(3) Snail mail:
		NeXus Office c/o Ohashi Clinic
		4-4-2, Ebara, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 142 JAPAN

**** NeXus Memo:

The English version of the NeXus Memo (what you are reading) is
formatted on a NeXT cube using WriteNow and is printed on the NeXT
Laser printer.

The Japanese version is produced on a NeXT cube with a 330 MB hard
disk using XNeXT, kterm, nemacs and JLaTex (ASCII version) and printed
on a LaserWriter II NTX-J which has Kanji fonts. The equipment is
networked by Ethernet and Appletalk bridged with FastPath4.

English version Editors: Mitsuhiro Kishimoto, Kaoru Ozawa, Masana
Harada and Teruo Utsumi.

The NeXus Memo is copyrighted by NeXT User Society in Japan and each
article is copyrighted by its author. Copying and distribution of
NeXus Memo are permitted with no charge.  1. About NeXus

NeXus is a non-profit organization to facilitate collaboration among
members and to collect and exchange NeXT and NeXT related information. 
The main topics we cover are:

	- Easy-to-use, superior human interface
	- Integrated network environment for interpersonal computing
	- Graphical and multimedia applications
	- Advanced object-oriented programming environment.

Our mother ship is a NeXT computer (NeXT station and cube). We,
however, do not restrict our activities to NeXT. Other advanced
high-tech computers are also of interest. We are the first NeXT user
group in Japan and Asia. One of our principal interests is using
Japanese on the NeXT computer. We have local activities in mainly the
Tokyo area and our meetings are open to the public. We place our
newsletters on worldwide ftp sites to distribute them freely. NeXus is
not affiliated with any company. Enthusiastic volunteers support
NeXus. We welcome your contributions.

****NeXus Activities:


Monthly meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month starting
from 7:00 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. The guest fee is
1,000 Yen, including the latest NeXus Memo.  Newsletter:

We publish a monthly NeXus Memo and quarterly Newsletter. NeXus Memo
is distributed at every monthly meeting. You can also ftp NeXus Memo
from ETL (etlport.etl.go.jp or SRA (srawgw@sra.co.jp The second issue of NeXus Quarterly is due in April.

*Special Interest Groups:

We have several SIGs: Japanese, Mathematica, Graphical Human
Interface, Mach OS, Programming, Object-oriented Programming,
Networking, and others. If you are interested in any of these, please
contact the executive staff.

*Software Library:

We have a publicly distributable software library on MO disks and a
Video library.


Currently we run mailing-list (NeXus-mail@sra125.sra.co.jp) on JUNET. 
We are talking on a NeXT news group of JUNET named 'fj.sys.next' and
'FCSALON' forum of NIFTY-Serve.

*Other Activities:

We contact and exchange information with overseas user groups, contact
with NeXT Computer Inc., Canon group (distributor in Japan), and other
third party developers. We are planning to have seminars and

****Executive Committee:			Volunteers

Kazunori Shioya: 	President		Shouichi Hachiya, 
Katsuhiro Ohashi: 	Newsletter editor	Taketosi Mori, 
Syuichi Tashiro: 	Software library admin	Norimasa Yamagichi,
Yoshio Yamada: 		SIG coordinator		Kaoru Ozawa,
Mitsuhiro Kishimoto: 	International liaison	Kazuyuki Inoue,
						Hironobu Suzuki,
						Kenichi Yanase,
						Masana Harada

A one year NeXus membership includes four issues of Newsletter, NeXus
Quarterly, and 12 monthly NeXus Memos. You can pick them up at monthly
meetings or, if you miss any meeting, you can receive them by snail
mail. The first fiscal year started in October '90 and will end in
September '91. Members joining NeXus in the middle of the fiscal year
will get back issues of NeXus Memos and Quarterlys. You also get our
software and video library with only shipping and handling charges. 
There are four types of memberships: regular, student, overseas, and
corporate. An application form for regular, student, and overseas
membership can be found at the end of this memo.

2. Extra Charge for Kanji Fonts
					NeXus Executive Committee

This is an open letter to CANON Inc., NeXT distributor in Japan and
developer of Japanese version NeXT OS.

Dear CANON Inc.

First we would like to thank you for your support of NeXus. We very
much appreciate your making available your conference room for our
meetings, providing technical and sales information, and answering our

You have also spent much effort developing the Japanese version of
NeXT OS. It is still in beta testing and will be delivered in June. 
There is no doubt that Japanese handling capability is the key to
making NeXT popular in Japan. We admired you for your marketing plan
when one of the directors mentioned in an official statement to supply
Japanese OS at a low cost (almost S/H charge) and bundle Kanji Fonts
without any extra charges.

To our surprise we heard you are now considering a charge of 150,000
yen (more than one thousand dollars) for Kanji fonts. It means that,
coming from your short-sighted marketing policy, you have changed your
mind, breaking an official promise.

NeXus believes there are at least five obvious reasons to supply Kanji
Fonts without extra charge.

- CANON claimed that the extra charge is a royalty paid to Adobe Inc. 
It's nonsense for customers. A customer pays money for a NeXT system,
not for fonts, CPU, hard disk or any other component. The cost is YOUR
problem. Don't shift it to customers directly. The important point is
that the royalty for Adobe's fonts is not increased after the official
director's price statement. CANON's policy has been changed, not its

- Use your public relations budget to make Kanji Fonts free. This is a
more effective way of advertising than spending large amounts of money
to buy space in popular papers. NeXT is not yet a consumer product,
you, CANON, is familiar with. NeXT is still goods for fanatics??. You
gain or loose reputation by word-of- mouth.

- Japanese NeXT users are forced to pay more money for less functional
machines compared with users in the U.S. CANON's exchange rate is
higher than 200 yen to one dollar**. There is also no Japanese
WriteNow, Japanese FrameMaker, Japanese equivalent of Webster or
Shakespeare. Japanese OS is the first small step toward the ideal
Japanese NeXT system. You are going to make the first step more

- In Japan, the number of NeXTs has not yet reached the critical mass. 
There is no, absolutely ZERO, third party software or hardware for
NeXT. Higher prices makes it difficult to increase the number of
customers and third party products.

- In the official statement, CANON's director promised to supply
Japanese OS at a low cost and bundle Kanji Fonts with no extra fee.

Please make the right decision to realize Job's and your dream. Stop
charging for Kanji Fonts!

3. Summary of the Sixth Seventh Meeting
				Written by Katsuhiro Ohashi
			Translated by Kaoru Ozawa and Masana Harada

Date: Jan. 23. 1991, 19:00-21:00
Place: Canon Software, Tamachi, Tokyo
Attendance: about thirty

**** Video Tape of Steve Job's presentation 

We watched the first 15 minutes of Steve Jobs' presentation of the new
NeXT systems on the video display in the meeting room. We had planned
to show the video at the last meeting, but the presentation was
omitted because the video equipment was not available.

**** Presentation of Multi-Media by Shioya and Ohashi

Dr. Sato of SRA personally provided the video on multimedia. This
video is based on the lecture at the MacWorld Expo. Since it was a
fairy long one, we showed only a part of it. As we expected, the
contents were mainly related not to NeXT but Macintosh.

The video included the presentation on the video compilation system. 
It created the scene, as an example:

(I) Insert a cut in which something exploded in the air at the scene
of hitting a volleyball from the opposite side of the court.
(II) Then the volleyball exploded as soon as it was hit.

This scene was created by first taking in an animation as digital
images, then compiling each cut as a component. A member on the floor
said it was to some extent difficult to create the components which
appear to connect naturally at each cut.

You can borrow these video tapes from NeXus, like software MO library.

**** NeXus Quarterly issue second by Ohashi 

We plan to issue NeXus Quarterly (NQ) Issue Two as the spring (March)
issue. We would like to complete and distribute it by the end of

We plan to insert the articles on "The NeXus Activities Report" and
"The Topics Relating to NeXT" as we did in Issue One. In addition, we
very much wish to include the articles on "SIG Activities" which was
not included in the previous issue. Since SIG activities have not been
active yet, we request the coordinator of each SIG to write about the
types of subjects each SIG wants to pursue and what approach it will

At the previous meetings, we confirmed that there were the following
SIGs: 'Interface Builder (coordinator Mr. Yamada)', 'Network', 'MACH
(Mr. Muneyoshi Suzuki)', 'Mathematica (Mr. Jitou and Mr. Narita)',
'User Interface', 'Japanese environment (Mr. Mori at The University of
Tokyo)', 'Hardware Environment (Dr. Sato at sra.co.jo)'.

Further, we will provide "NeXT Answers" and "The Installation Guide to
Various Hardware and Software", the reports regarding 'Nemacs (by Mr. 
Mori)', 'uucp (by Dr. Ohashi)', 'wterm (by Mr. Yanase)'. We welcome
your reports on the installation of other hardware and software as
well as requests for information on installation of specific products.

In the previous issue, only some of the opinions of the NeXus
secretariat were included as "Voice from NeXus Members." We welcome
all members' comments and opinions for the next issue. You can write
any kind of comments. We also welcome even very short message.

**** Demo of CliniBase by Mr. Aoyama

Mr. Aoyama explained about Sybase and showed the demonstration on an
actual application by using the NeXT machine at the meeting room.

Since the tools to link Sybase with Interface Builder has not been
provided by vendors, we should prepare the routines or tools to
develop Sybase applications on Interface Builder by ourselves.

Thus he presented the tools to make a database application combining
Sybase and Interface Builder, which were developed by third parties. 
These tools include one which can handle TIFF format files. He showed
a demonstration of CliniBase, a database application for doctors'
clinical use. The hierarchical class libraries which control screen,
database, memory and SOL were prepared. A database application is
developed by utilizing these libraries.

**** Network within NeXus by Shioya

We are going to construct a UUCP network system among NeXus members by
linking NeXT machines through telephone communication lines. For the
time being, Mr. Ohashi's NeXT is supposed to be the gateway machine
for this network. We are going to discuss this project further in
Communication SIG. (See also 4.1 on next page)

**** X-windows on NeXT by Shioya

Apart from XNeXT, which is now in distribution, Canon Inc. is working
on another implementation of X-windows. Perhaps it will be available
and can be distributed in February. This is different from XNeXT and
is supposed to have a different name.

Note: Please give more detail explanations if you are more familiar with it.

**** NTT-jTeX

NTT's JTeX (an enhanced version of TeX for Japanese) has also been
ported by Canon Inc. It already works on OS 1.0, but it cannot,
however, be compiled on OS 2.0.
Mr. Suzuki said that ASCII version of jTeX was not dumped so that we
could avoid system specific problems.

**** Binary compatibility around new OS. 

There are considerable changes around the DSP driver. Many
applications must be modified. Animation programs such as MediaStation
will have trouble running on the new OS. Mathematica works as is. You
can get the upgrade to OS 2.0 with an extra fee.

**** Reflection

Under the present meeting style, few members express their comments or
opinions. As a result, only the secretariat tends to speak. We would
like to improve the meeting so that each person can express his or her
opinion freely and the mood of the meeting is warm and harmonious.  We
guess that:

(I) It may be difficult to speak frankly before we get to know one
	another better because of typical Japanese shyness.
(II) New members may feel uneasy asking a beginner's question.

Still, we would like to revise our meeting style so that active and
free discussions are encouraged.

4. SIG Reports
					Written by Kazunori Shioya
				Translated by Mitsuhiro Kishimoto

4.1 RFC NeXus Network (Communication SIG)

Following is a request for comments of NeXus official network.


The currently available BBSs are build so even the low-end PCs can
access them. They cannot support advanced features such as
multi-media. They, commercial BBSs, are also restricted by
governmental regulations.

NeXus network is an experimental non-profit network to provide
advanced features. We will research its protocols, software, human
interface and application. We are going to develop, use, and
distribute them to the public. Practical use will reveal problems
which must be resolve. If successful we will use it as our official
network to exchange NeXT information.


First we build multi-media communications based on the most advanced
computer system, the NeXT Computer System, and will add the other PSs
and WSs.  We are also considering:

- Developing NeXT Mail reader on the other PSs and WSs and
multi-protocol communication programs.

- Building another uucp and IP connected network and bridge to exist

4.2 NeXus Bibliography (Information SIG)

We are going to make a bibliography of NeXT. The format of the
bibliography is "bibtex." If you are interested in this project,
please contact Hironobu Suzuki (hironobu@sra.co.jp) or Norimasa
Yamagishi (norima-y@ascii.co.jp).

Please tell us magazines which have articles on NeXT. We believe
magazines are the main sources of NeXT information. The bibliography
will be made available to the general public. We will post the list in
the news group "fj.sys.next" and publish it in the NeXus Quarterly.

4.3 Contact NiftyServe (NeXus office)

We have started an experimental information exchange between JUNET
(Japanese branch of InterNet) and NIFTY Serve (Japanese cousin of
CompuServe). The volunteers relay NeXus announcements on JUNET to
FCSALON forum on NIFTY Serve. This exchange service will be made once
a day at lunch time, so at most there will be a one day delay. The
service, however, is unavailable on Sundays or holidays.

5. GUIde Introduction
					Written by Arther Kyle

GUIde is another NeXT user group in Japan. This is a memo of GUIde
introduction.  They hold monthly meeting on the second Thursday at
Canon Shin-Kawasaki office starting from 6:30 P.M. To contact GUIde:

	Arther C. Kyle Canon Inc. NeXT Group 
	Tel: 044-549-5295		Fax: 044-549-5462
	(There is no relation between GUIde and CANON Inc.)

For Users of the NeXT machine

Welcome to GUIde, a group for those interested in the NeXT Computer System.

This paper will briefly describe the group and its purpose, and I hope
give you an idea of what we want to accomplish.

David Thompson, Dag Klingstedt, and I, Arthur Kyle, purchased our
cubes around the same time in the fall of 1989. David and I met
irregularly to discuss the machine and trade information (the first
GUIde meetings), but we wanted to reach more people and learn more
from others. So around the same time I joined Canon Inc.'s NeXT Group,
we began to publicize the group and meet in Canon's Shin-Kawasaki NeXT

There are now about 15 "members," with perhaps six to ten attending an
average meeting. We hope that with better planning and promotion, we
can attract more people.

We meet to discuss the NeXT computer, in basically and aspect, and we
hope not only to spread the word about the NeXT computer's power and
capability but also to learn more about technology and its influence
on computers and the way we use them. Lofty ideals, but actually
rather practical ones.

We have no formal Dues system, mostly because our expenses are
essentially zero and we offer no services to each other beyond
information exchange and NeXT comradeship. Perhaps we may charge dues
in the future, if we ever coalesce into something more than a band of
people interested in the NeXT.

  I do feel that we are a dynamic group of people. We come together to
exchange, not just to listen, and I encourage you to speak up and
really communicate with the people around you. No question is too
simple, no opinion too outrageous. We are here to learn from each

A. NeXus Membership Application
Welcome to NeXus! Please complete the following application.
1. Name :_______________________________________________

2. Address:_____________________________________________
City:_________________________ State: __________ 
ZIP CODE:________ Country: __________________ 

3. Method of contact (please prioritize, 1 = highest):
(  ) E-Mail: network_____________address_____________________
(  ) Snail Mail:_________________(  ) Facsimile:__________________

4. Membership type:
(  ) Regular	  7,500 Yen/Year,   (  ) Student	4,000 Yen/Year
(  ) overseas	10,000 Yen/Year (air mail delivery, include Students)

5. Method of payment:
(  ) Pay dues to NeXT User Group, Fuji Bank Yotsuya branch (241)
	Saving account:1642210 
	NeXT User Group, 4-4-2 Ebara, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo 142 
	(office address needed for deposit)
(  ) Pay at the NeXus user meeting.

6. Do you have a NeXT?
(  ) Home (  ) Office  (  ) Do not own, 
Model:________ Hard disk:____ MB, RAM: ____ MB, Printer: ____________
Daily applications: ______________________________________

7. What other computers do you use besides NeXT?

8. What would you like to do in NeXus?
SIG: ________________________________________________________
Volunteer work: _______________________________________________

9. Profile Privacy
I agree to disclose my personal information to corporate members. 
					(   ) Yes. (   ) No.

10. How can we improve the user group?

11. Comments and Suggestions: