[comp.sys.next] WANTED: co-Xist X11perf results

masaru@media-lab.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Masaru Sugai) (04/06/91)

Hi there.

I had planned to purchase a copy of co-Xist as soon as it was shipped at
the end of March, but I have changed my priority due to my dire need for
tape backup drive and an excellent PDS X-NeXT.

X-NeXT on NeXTstation 8MB runs really fast opposed to my expectation,
and it is stable enough. (I have noticed several minor glitches, though.)
Eventually I would buy co-Xist as I miss NS in the background, but I have
to decide its priority taking its performance into account.

The best thing I know of is an 'x11perf' which reports elasped time for various
X primitives even though it will take a few hours to finish extensive test
suites. I have tried it with client running on DECstation5000/200, as I wnat
to know the net performance over the wire. I would appreciate any results
wrt co-Xist.

 Thanks in advance.

-- Masaru Sugai:Use disclaimer. CIS 72050,2141:NeXT + A3000 = money-eater
NEC Corporation:sugai@ccs.mt.nec.co.jp DORMANT:hardwired logic,machine language
MIT R.Affiliate:masaru@media-lab.media.mit.edu:  "Silicon on Sapphire" by CLASH

FYI, here is an abridged statistic report. It ain't no joke even though I did
it on April 1 :)

====== x11perf -all ======
 SERVER:	NeXTstation 8/400
 CLIENT:	DECstation 5000/200
x11perf - X11 performance program, version 1.2
MIT X Consortium server on mb:0.0
from master-blaster
Mon Apr  1 16:35:19 1991

2500000 trep @  0.0119 msec (84200.0/sec): Dot
1000000 trep @  0.0281 msec (35600.0/sec): 1x1 rectangle
1000000 trep @  0.0440 msec (22700.0/sec): 10x10 rectangle
 72000 trep @  0.3860 msec (2590.0/sec): 100x100 rectangle
  4500 trep @  5.6960 msec ( 176.0/sec): 500x500 rectangle
450000 trep @  0.0622 msec (16100.0/sec): 1x1 stippled rectangle
100000 trep @  0.3806 msec (2630.0/sec): 10x10 stippled rectangle
  1800 trep @ 14.5749 msec (  68.6/sec): 100x100 stippled rectangle
   100 trep @ 320.2443 msec (   3.1/sec): 500x500 stippled rectangle
450000 trep @  0.0593 msec (16900.0/sec): 1x1 opaque stippled rectangle
100000 trep @  0.3525 msec (2840.0/sec): 10x10 opaque stippled rectangle
  3600 trep @ 13.5633 msec (  73.7/sec): 100x100 opaque stippled rectangle
   100 trep @ 296.0793 msec (   3.4/sec): 500x500 opaque stippled rectangle
1000000 trep @  0.0298 msec (33600.0/sec): 1x1 4x4 tiled rectangle
500000 trep @  0.0504 msec (19900.0/sec): 10x10 4x4 tiled rectangle
 72000 trep @  0.4244 msec (2360.0/sec): 100x100 4x4 tiled rectangle
  4500 trep @  5.8482 msec ( 171.0/sec): 500x500 4x4 tiled rectangle
1000000 trep @  0.0399 msec (25000.0/sec): 1x1 161x145 tiled rectangle
300000 trep @  0.0963 msec (10400.0/sec): 10x10 161x145 tiled rectangle
 16200 trep @  1.7011 msec ( 588.0/sec): 100x100 161x145 tiled rectangle
  1000 trep @ 31.7404 msec (  31.5/sec): 500x500 161x145 tiled rectangle
1000000 trep @  0.0304 msec (32900.0/sec): 1-pixel line segment
1000000 trep @  0.0471 msec (21200.0/sec): 10-pixel line segment
150000 trep @  0.2074 msec (4820.0/sec): 100-pixel line segment
 30000 trep @  0.9073 msec (1100.0/sec): 500-pixel line segment
150000 trep @  0.2131 msec (4690.0/sec): 100-pixel line segment (1 kid)
150000 trep @  0.2246 msec (4450.0/sec): 100-pixel line segment (2 kids)
150000 trep @  0.2365 msec (4230.0/sec): 100-pixel line segment (3 kids)
500000 trep @  0.0529 msec (18900.0/sec): 10-pixel dashed segment
150000 trep @  0.2324 msec (4300.0/sec): 100-pixel dashed segment
100000 trep @  0.2873 msec (3480.0/sec): 100-pixel double-dashed segment
1500000 trep @  0.0227 msec (44000.0/sec): 1-pixel line
1000000 trep @  0.0388 msec (25800.0/sec): 10-pixel line
150000 trep @  0.1964 msec (5090.0/sec): 100-pixel line
 30000 trep @  0.9006 msec (1110.0/sec): 500-pixel line
1000000 trep @  0.0455 msec (22000.0/sec): 10-pixel dashed line
150000 trep @  0.2239 msec (4470.0/sec): 100-pixel dashed line
100000 trep @  0.2788 msec (3590.0/sec): 100-pixel double-dashed line
100000 trep @  0.3250 msec (3080.0/sec): 10x1 wide line
 20000 trep @  1.1707 msec ( 854.0/sec): 100x10 wide line
  5000 trep @  5.2011 msec ( 192.0/sec): 500x50 wide line
 10000 trep @  4.2765 msec ( 234.0/sec): 100x10 wide dashed line
 10000 trep @  2.6893 msec ( 372.0/sec): 100x10 wide double-dashed line
400000 trep @  0.0711 msec (14100.0/sec): 1-pixel circle
150000 trep @  0.1865 msec (5360.0/sec): 10-pixel circle
 20000 trep @  1.4176 msec ( 705.0/sec): 100-pixel circle
  5000 trep @  6.8999 msec ( 145.0/sec): 500-pixel circle
 15000 trep @  2.0751 msec ( 482.0/sec): 100-pixel dashed circle
 10000 trep @  3.0365 msec ( 329.0/sec): 100-pixel double-dashed circle
 10000 trep @  3.3992 msec ( 294.0/sec): 10-pixel wide circle
  2500 trep @ 11.1158 msec (  90.0/sec): 100-pixel wide circle
   625 trep @ 45.5531 msec (  22.0/sec): 500-pixel wide circle
   500 trep @ 82.4092 msec (  12.1/sec): 100-pixel wide dashed circle
   500 trep @ 73.8801 msec (  13.5/sec): 100-pixel wide double-dashed circle
150000 trep @  0.2378 msec (4210.0/sec): 10-pixel partial circle
 29700 trep @  1.0126 msec ( 988.0/sec): 100-pixel partial circle
1500000 trep @  0.0207 msec (48400.0/sec): 1-pixel solid circle
350000 trep @  0.0793 msec (12600.0/sec): 10-pixel solid circle
 40000 trep @  0.6473 msec (1540.0/sec): 100-pixel solid circle
  4000 trep @  6.8086 msec ( 147.0/sec): 500-pixel solid circle
100000 trep @  0.4990 msec (2000.0/sec): 10-pixel fill chord partial circle
 27000 trep @  1.1222 msec ( 891.0/sec): 100-pixel fill chord partial circle
 50000 trep @  0.5343 msec (1870.0/sec): 10-pixel fill slice partial circle
 21600 trep @  1.1952 msec ( 837.0/sec): 100-pixel fill slice partial circle
150000 trep @  0.1742 msec (5740.0/sec): 10-pixel ellipse
 30000 trep @  1.1799 msec ( 848.0/sec): 100-pixel ellipse
  4500 trep @  5.7267 msec ( 175.0/sec): 500-pixel ellipse
 25000 trep @  1.6940 msec ( 590.0/sec): 100-pixel dashed ellipse
 11250 trep @  2.4098 msec ( 415.0/sec): 100-pixel double-dashed ellipse
  5000 trep @  5.5145 msec ( 181.0/sec): 10-pixel wide ellipse
  1000 trep @ 28.3784 msec (  35.2/sec): 100-pixel wide ellipse
   200 trep @ 127.4470 msec (   7.8/sec): 500-pixel wide ellipse
   250 trep @ 119.8150 msec (   8.3/sec): 100-pixel wide dashed ellipse
   250 trep @ 153.5449 msec (   6.5/sec): 100-pixel wide double-dashed ellipse
108000 trep @  0.2335 msec (4280.0/sec): 10-pixel partial ellipse
 36000 trep @  0.9059 msec (1100.0/sec): 100-pixel partial ellipse
400000 trep @  0.1018 msec (9820.0/sec): 10-pixel filled ellipse
 50000 trep @  0.5029 msec (1990.0/sec): 100-pixel filled ellipse
 10000 trep @  4.1782 msec ( 239.0/sec): 500-pixel filled ellipse
 54000 trep @  0.4949 msec (2020.0/sec): 10-pixel fill chord partial ellipse
 36000 trep @  0.9083 msec (1100.0/sec): 100-pixel fill chord ellipse
 54000 trep @  0.5300 msec (1890.0/sec): 10-pixel fill slice partial ellipse
 36000 trep @  0.9669 msec (1030.0/sec): 100-pixel fill slice ellipse
200000 trep @  0.1559 msec (6410.0/sec): Fill 1-pixel/side triangle
100000 trep @  0.2677 msec (3730.0/sec): Fill 10-pixel/side triangle
 15000 trep @  1.7254 msec ( 580.0/sec): Fill 100-pixel/side triangle
150000 trep @  0.2326 msec (4300.0/sec): Fill 10x10 trapezoid
 20000 trep @  1.2845 msec ( 778.0/sec): Fill 100x100 trapezoid
 50000 trep @  0.5007 msec (2000.0/sec): Fill 10x10 stippled trapezoid
  2000 trep @ 14.9858 msec (  66.7/sec): Fill 100x100 stippled trapezoid
100000 trep @  0.4832 msec (2070.0/sec): Fill 10x10 opaque stippled trapezoid
  2000 trep @ 14.2892 msec (  70.0/sec): Fill 100x100 opaque stippled trapezoid
 45000 trep @  0.5636 msec (1770.0/sec): Fill 10x10 tiled trapezoid
  1000 trep @ 27.4576 msec (  36.4/sec): Fill 100x100 tiled trapezoid
100000 trep @  0.3644 msec (2740.0/sec): Fill 10-pixel/side complex polygon
 15000 trep @  2.4288 msec ( 412.0/sec): Fill 100-pixel/side complex polygons
120000 trep @  0.2839 msec (3520.0/sec): Char in 80-char line (6x13)
160000 trep @  0.2039 msec (4910.0/sec): Char in 80-char line (TR 10)
 64000 trep @  0.5001 msec (2000.0/sec): Char in 30-char line (TR 24)
120000 trep @  0.2588 msec (3860.0/sec): Char in 20/40/20 line (6x13, TR 10)
160000 trep @  0.1724 msec (5800.0/sec): Char in 80-char image line (6x13)
160000 trep @  0.2067 msec (4840.0/sec): Char in 80-char image line (TR 10)
 64000 trep @  0.4743 msec (2110.0/sec): Char in 30-char image line (TR 24)
150000 trep @  0.1875 msec (5330.0/sec): Scroll 10x10 pixels
 30000 trep @  0.9351 msec (1070.0/sec): Scroll 100x100 pixels
  2000 trep @ 13.3926 msec (  74.7/sec): Scroll 500x500 pixels
140000 trep @  0.2029 msec (4930.0/sec): Copy 10x10 from window to window
 40000 trep @  1.2025 msec ( 832.0/sec): Copy 100x100 from window to window
  1400 trep @ 18.2678 msec (  54.7/sec): Copy 500x500 from window to window
160000 trep @  0.1769 msec (5650.0/sec): Copy 10x10 from pixmap to window
 40000 trep @  0.9723 msec (1030.0/sec): Copy 100x100 from pixmap to window
  2000 trep @ 13.1530 msec (  76.0/sec): Copy 500x500 from pixmap to window
140000 trep @  0.1890 msec (5290.0/sec): Copy 10x10 from window to pixmap
 40000 trep @  1.1644 msec ( 859.0/sec): Copy 100x100 from window to pixmap
  1400 trep @ 18.6747 msec (  53.5/sec): Copy 500x500 from window to pixmap
160000 trep @  0.1654 msec (6050.0/sec): Copy 10x10 from pixmap to pixmap
 40000 trep @  0.8406 msec (1190.0/sec): Copy 100x100 from pixmap to pixmap
  4000 trep @ 11.4346 msec (  87.5/sec): Copy 500x500 from pixmap to pixmap
100000 trep @  0.3097 msec (3230.0/sec): Copy 10x10 1-bit deep plane
  4000 trep @  6.7130 msec ( 149.0/sec): Copy 100x100 1-bit deep plane
   200 trep @ 137.4435 msec (   7.3/sec): Copy 500x500 1-bit deep plane
100000 trep @  0.2958 msec (3380.0/sec): PutImage 10x10 square
  4000 trep @  6.7335 msec ( 149.0/sec): PutImage 100x100 square
   400 trep @ 120.8904 msec (   8.3/sec): PutImage 500x500 square
  8000 trep @  3.5145 msec ( 285.0/sec): GetImage 10x10 square
  4000 trep @  7.8672 msec ( 127.0/sec): GetImage 100x100 square
   200 trep @ 130.6706 msec (   7.7/sec): GetImage 500x500 square
1500000 trep @  0.0177 msec (56500.0/sec): X protocol NoOperation
 10000 trep @  3.1073 msec ( 322.0/sec): GetAtomName
 10000 trep @  3.1515 msec ( 317.0/sec): GetProperty
180000 trep @  0.1397 msec (7160.0/sec): Change graphics context
 12000 trep @  0.7936 msec (1260.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (4 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.6581 msec (1520.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.6395 msec (1560.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (25 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.6406 msec (1560.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (50 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.6509 msec (1540.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (75 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.6575 msec (1520.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (100 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.7108 msec (1410.0/sec): Create and map subwindows (200 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3384 msec (2950.0/sec): Create unmapped window (4 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3274 msec (3050.0/sec): Create unmapped window (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.3291 msec (3040.0/sec): Create unmapped window (25 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.3254 msec (3070.0/sec): Create unmapped window (50 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3249 msec (3080.0/sec): Create unmapped window (75 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3237 msec (3090.0/sec): Create unmapped window (100 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3231 msec (3100.0/sec): Create unmapped window (200 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.5388 msec (1860.0/sec): Map window via parent (4 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3449 msec (2900.0/sec): Map window via parent (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.3248 msec (3080.0/sec): Map window via parent (25 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.3139 msec (3190.0/sec): Map window via parent (50 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3056 msec (3270.0/sec): Map window via parent (75 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.3042 msec (3290.0/sec): Map window via parent (100 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.2999 msec (3330.0/sec): Map window via parent (200 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.1088 msec (9190.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (4 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.0381 msec (26300.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.0292 msec (34200.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (25 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.0219 msec (45700.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (50 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.0194 msec (51700.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (75 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.0179 msec (55700.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (100 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.0161 msec (62100.0/sec): Unmap window via parent (200 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.2707 msec (3690.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (4 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.1528 msec (6540.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.1393 msec (7180.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (25 kids)
 12500 trep @  0.1270 msec (7880.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (50 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.1257 msec (7960.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (75 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.1249 msec (8010.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (100 kids)
 12000 trep @  0.1240 msec (8070.0/sec): Destroy window via parent (200 kids)
 20000 trep @  1.2729 msec ( 786.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (4 kids)
 40000 trep @  0.6991 msec (1430.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (16 kids)
 50000 trep @  0.6374 msec (1570.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (25 kids)
 50000 trep @  0.6036 msec (1660.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (50 kids)
 75000 trep @  0.5763 msec (1740.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (75 kids)
 45000 trep @  0.5616 msec (1780.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (100 kids)
 50000 trep @  0.5476 msec (1830.0/sec): Hide/expose window via popup (200 kids)
 18000 trep @  1.4379 msec ( 695.0/sec): Move window (4 kids)
 16000 trep @  1.8976 msec ( 527.0/sec): Move window (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  2.2127 msec ( 452.0/sec): Move window (25 kids)
 10000 trep @  2.9099 msec ( 344.0/sec): Move window (50 kids)
  7500 trep @  3.6175 msec ( 276.0/sec): Move window (75 kids)
 10000 trep @  4.3327 msec ( 231.0/sec): Move window (100 kids)
  4000 trep @  7.0661 msec ( 142.0/sec): Move window (200 kids)
400000 trep @  0.1149 msec (8700.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (4 kids)
240000 trep @  0.1169 msec (8550.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (16 kids)
250000 trep @  0.1179 msec (8480.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (25 kids)
225000 trep @  0.1191 msec (8400.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (50 kids)
225000 trep @  0.1192 msec (8390.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (75 kids)
250000 trep @  0.1235 msec (8100.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (100 kids)
300000 trep @  0.1194 msec (8380.0/sec): Moved unmapped window (200 kids)
 60000 trep @  0.4245 msec (2360.0/sec): Move window via parent (4 kids)
160000 trep @  0.1882 msec (5310.0/sec): Move window via parent (16 kids)
250000 trep @  0.1602 msec (6240.0/sec): Move window via parent (25 kids)
200000 trep @  0.1342 msec (7450.0/sec): Move window via parent (50 kids)
225000 trep @  0.1267 msec (7890.0/sec): Move window via parent (75 kids)
250000 trep @  0.1203 msec (8310.0/sec): Move window via parent (100 kids)
300000 trep @  0.1141 msec (8770.0/sec): Move window via parent (200 kids)
 16000 trep @  1.5794 msec ( 633.0/sec): Resize window (4 kids)
 16000 trep @  1.9366 msec ( 516.0/sec): Resize window (16 kids)
 12500 trep @  2.1713 msec ( 461.0/sec): Resize window (25 kids)
 10000 trep @  2.7186 msec ( 368.0/sec): Resize window (50 kids)
 11250 trep @  3.2231 msec ( 310.0/sec): Resize window (75 kids)
 10000 trep @  3.7594 msec ( 266.0/sec): Resize window (100 kids)
  5000 trep @  5.8926 msec ( 170.0/sec): Resize window (200 kids)
180000 trep @  0.1315 msec (7610.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (4 kids)
240000 trep @  0.1338 msec (7470.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (16 kids)
250000 trep @  0.1352 msec (7400.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (25 kids)
200000 trep @  0.1364 msec (7330.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (50 kids)
187500 trep @  0.1364 msec (7330.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (75 kids)
200000 trep @  0.1363 msec (7340.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (100 kids)
200000 trep @  0.1365 msec (7330.0/sec): Resize unmapped window (200 kids)
  8000 trep @  3.5491 msec ( 282.0/sec): Circulate window (4 kids)
  5600 trep @  5.1328 msec ( 195.0/sec): Circulate window (16 kids)
  5000 trep @  5.4055 msec ( 185.0/sec): Circulate window (25 kids)
  5000 trep @  5.8219 msec ( 172.0/sec): Circulate window (50 kids)
  7500 trep @  6.1850 msec ( 162.0/sec): Circulate window (75 kids)
  4000 trep @  6.5073 msec ( 154.0/sec): Circulate window (100 kids)
  4000 trep @  7.6669 msec ( 130.0/sec): Circulate window (200 kids)
800000 trep @  0.0385 msec (25900.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (4 kids)
560000 trep @  0.0443 msec (22600.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (16 kids)
625000 trep @  0.0484 msec (20700.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (25 kids)
500000 trep @  0.0606 msec (16500.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (50 kids)
337500 trep @  0.0775 msec (12900.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (75 kids)
300000 trep @  0.0997 msec (10000.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (100 kids)
200000 trep @  0.2201 msec (4540.0/sec): Circulate Unmapped window (200 kids)

-- Masaru Sugai:Use disclaimer. CIS 72050,2141:NeXT + A3000 = money-eater
NEC Corporation:sugai@ccs.mt.nec.co.jp DORMANT:hardwired logic,machine language
MIT R.Affiliate:masaru@media-lab.media.mit.edu:  "Silicon on Sapphire" by CLASH