(Michael Giddings) (04/09/91)
After my posting last week about problems with BLand, I have received quite a number of responses (thanks). Basically, it sounds like most problems are being resolved EVENTUALLY, and people seem to think that Norm is trying his best but is not supported in his task very well by BusinessLand. And, to confirm that, I got an invoice today stating that they are sending me a new LaserPrinter. I have yet to see it, but if it actually arrives I will be happy! So, I guess the moral of the story is to be very patient and keep trying (e-mail, paging them, etc. . .) when dealing with B'Land. (I also got the '040 upgrade and SW 2.0 (not 2.1) today - happy day!) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Michael Giddings ( | Computer Science Department | |"Isn't all intelligence artifical?" | UW Madison | | "The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older . . ." | --------------------------------------------------------------------------