[comp.sys.next] Experience with Servant?

km@mathcs.emory.edu (Ken Mandelberg) (04/09/91)

Does anyone have any experience to share with Servant, the OCR package
HSD is offering? Is it competitive with the better packages in the
Mac/PC world?

For that matter are the HSD scanners competitive? When I read reviews
of the PC/Mac scanners there is quite a variation in how they rate
relative to each other.

Ken Mandelberg      | km@mathcs.emory.edu          PREFERRED
Emory University    | {rutgers,gatech}!emory!km    UUCP 
Dept of Math and CS | km@emory.bitnet              NON-DOMAIN BITNET  
Atlanta, GA 30322   | Phone: Voice (404) 727-7963, FAX 727-5611