[comp.sys.next] WANTED: neat X programs you have ported to mouse-X

zazula@uazhe0.physics.arizona.edu (RALPH ZAZULA) (04/10/91)


I installed Mouse-X on my cube so that I could use Gnuplot interactively.
I'd like to see what other useful/fun programs there are available for
X windows.  I've tried to download/compile some X programs from the 
archive servers but the make files didn't work and I don't have the time
or experience to get them running.  If anyone has ported thier favorite
game(s) or application(s) to Mouse-X, please let me know.  Maybe an even
better idea would be to make a new directory on the archive servers
like /pub/next/X  or something and put the modified makefiles, binaries
or the whole shebang on the servers (the one I look at most frequently
is sonata.cc.purdue.edu).


   | Ralph Zazula                               "Computer Addict!"        |
   | University of Arizona                 ---  Department of Physics     |
   |   UAZHEP::ZAZULA                            (DecNet/HEPNet)          |
   |   zazula@uazhe0.physics.arizona.edu         (Internet)               |
   |   "You can twist perceptions, reality won't budge."  - Neil Peart    |