jjoshua@remus.rutgers.edu (J. Joshua) (04/10/91)
*** Central New Jersey NeXT Users Group *** Next Meeting -- Wednesday, April 17 7:30 PM @ The Princeton Marriott Forrestal Village - Rt. 1 South Princeton, NJ The Central New Jersey NeXT Users Group will be holding its second meeting on Wednesday, April 17 at 7:30 PM @ The Princeton Marriott - Forrestal Village. The preliminary itinerary includes the following: 1. Elections for the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and Archiver will take place. 2. Discussion about such topics as dues, meeting dates, archives, etc... 3. T-Shirt Contest. 4. Demo of a color scanner, NeXT station color, and possibly a color printer. 5. Daniel Gessel, author of Reversi, will talk about entertainment software for the NeXT We will have NeXT machines available. Bring software for the archives or take software from the archives (both OD and floppy drives available). Representatives from NeXT will be available to answer questions and raffle off some NeXT goodies. If you have any questions please mail me at jjoshua@romulus.rutgers.edu. I look forward to seeing you there. Refreshments will be served. Jonathan Joshua, President - Central New Jersey NeXT Users Group. -- ________ | | This Messsage A Service By: | | Closed Captioned Jon Joshua | | For the Hearing Impaired jjoshua@remus.rutgers.edu `----. .-' |/ #include <whittyComment.h>
nates@sporobolus.NREL.ColoState.EDU (Nate Sammons) (04/10/91)
hey, I have A Mac SE/30 and a NeXTstation, the mac is connected to an HP Deskwriter, and the NeXT, so-far, to nothing. Does anyone have a Deskwriter driver for the NeXT, or know of an FTP site that has one? Also, can I just hook the NeXT AND the Mac to the DeskWriter, (by way of an appletalk, I doubt it...) or should I get a Serial "switcher" box? Also, where can I get a printer cable for the NeXt to DeskWriter? Can I use a regular Mac Serial cable? Please HELP!!! -Nate Sammons <nsammons@lobo.RMHS.Colorado.Edu>