[comp.sys.next] FOGNUG 1st meeting summary

sulistio@sutro.SFSU.EDU (Sulistio Muljadi) (04/10/91)

We have a mailing list, the e-mail address is: fognug@sutro.sfsu.edu
If you are interested in joining our mailing list, please send e-mail to

Summary of our first meeting of

	FOGNUG - NeXT users at San Francisco

at Friday April 5th, 17.00 - 19.00 in GYM 213, SF State University

17.00:	only 5 people around; maybe this room is to hard to find ...
17.10:	15 people around, start of meeting.
	Peter Preuss introduced himself (NeXT Campus Consultant),
	Steven Bau, NeXT Coordinator at the Bookstore's Computer Department
		(thanks for the NeXTStation),
	Mul Sulistio, Gym Computer Lab Manager and NeXT user (thank you for
		your external harddisk), and
	Michael Fried, NeXT System Engineer for Northern California.
	Today's agenda:
		- find out & discuss our user group's goals
		- funding questions
		- personell
		- next meeting time
		- show demo applications on the NeXTStation
		- watch NeXT videos
		- go have dinner
17.15:	20 people around; Michael handed out and announced the latest press
	information about NeXT's role and success in the 'professional 
	workstation market' (8000 systems delivered in quarter 01/91, 50000
	projected for 91). Michael presented NeXT's donations (besides the
	printed information material) to our user group: 1 sweater (black), 
	1 t-shirt (white), and 2 books about display postscript programming.
17.25:	Peter showed the proposed topics for user group goals and asked for
	additions. Eric Scott brought up the question, whether our user group
	should be for SF State Students/Staff only, or open to everybody.
17.30:	hand-out of the survey forms and stickers to be put on the pre-prepared
	posters. Fill out of the forms.
17.45:	Results of the poll:
	- FOGNUG will be open for everybody
	- regular user group meetings will be held
	- NeXT system at meetings
	- demo/technical presentation at every meeting
	- invite 3rd party developers to hold presentations
	- start 'expert' groups
	- provide new product info
	- distribute public domain software
	- provide NeXT training to members
	- establish e-mail connection to members
	- have a nice dinner
17.55:	funding: if we want to provide photocopies or send out postal mail,
	we need $$. Do we need a 'membership' fee? - No, not at this point.
	If we need money, we should try other sources like charging for re-
	distribution of PD software. This topic is still to be discussed.
18.00:	help to provide the wanted services needed: Peter asked for volunteers
	(~2 hours per week); the following 6 people are willing to help:
	Steven Bau, Jim Chan, Jason Lee, Rudolphe Poutier, Aylwin Stewart, 
	Mul Sulistio. THANK YOU!!!
18.10:	discussion of meeting times: Friday afternoon is not the best time,
	most people are already on their weekend. Weeknights are easier to
	make by 3rd party/working people, but might be busy with classes.
	decision: we will switch meeting days: one on friday afternoon, one
	on a weeknight, etc.. This should allow more people to attend our 
	Try to avoid collisions with BANG, BMUG, and programming contests.
	Proposed next meeting time: 
		Tuesday April 23rd, 18.30, room to be announced. 
	Without making too much noise about this meeting, 25 people showed up. 
	So, we expect 50..75 people on our next meeting.
	We will announce the meeting on comp.sys.next and e-mail, and try to
	get in touch with UCSF, Golden Gate University, EUA, and Abacus to
	reach more people.
	We will invite NeXT and 3rd party developers to demonstrate their
18.20:	Steven played fortune: lottery of our treasures.
18.25:	Mul showed coXist, the commercial version of X-Windows 11R4, with Motif
	user interface on the NeXT.
	There is also a public domain version, Xmouse.
18.30:	Videos: NeXT Factory, Steve Jobs' September '90 intro of the new line
	of NeXTs, PIXAR animations (Tin Toy, etc).
19.00:	Demos on the NeXTStation. Confusion about where to go for dinner. 
	Clean up.
19.30:	Take off to RoundTablePizza @ WestPortal

preuss@sutro.sfsu.edu 		- NeXT Campus Consultant at San Francisco State

Mul			    |  Alt. address: sulistio@futon.sfsu.edu
sulistio@sutro.sfsu.edu     |		     sulistio@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu
#include "std/disclaimer.h" |		     mul@wet.UUCP  (UUCP e-mail)