[comp.sys.next] Need Multi-Volume Dump Facility

phd_ivo@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (04/15/91)

Subject: Multi-Volume DUMP

I have just connected a WangDAT drive to my NeXT computer, and it worked quite
nicely right from start (pretending it is a short Exabyte drive is what makes
it work).    I would like to know, however, how one would go about doing
multi-volume dumps. My dump utility seems to only take one argument as the
filesystem to back up. Since a disk drive is typically much less than the
capacity of the DAT drive, I presume I am not the first to have this problem.

The mdump programs in uunet.uu.net/comp.sources.unix/volume[23] do not do the
job, because they require a dumptab.h file which does not exist on my NeXT BSD
4.3 implementation.

Also, is there a utility for such tape drives to rewind, wind forward, etc.?

Thank you for any advice.

/ivo welch