[comp.sys.next] Announcing: NeXT Applications P4 Super Seminar

walters@grebyn.com (Chris Walters) (04/17/91)

First Announcement of the Super Seminar:
NeXT Applications P4:  Present, Planned, Projected, Potential,
sponsored by the Washington, D.C. Area NeXT User Group (WaNUG).

To be held:      June 11-12-13, 1991
at:              The American University
                 Washington, D.C.

There will be exhibits each day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; these will include
showings by: 
Light House Design, Ltd. -- Diagram! 
Lotus Development Corp. -- Improv 
Objective Technologies, Inc. -- OT Palettes (these include 
          SmartFields, Chooser, MathPalette, GraphPalette)
Wolfram Research, Inc. -- Mathematica
WordPerfect Corp. -- WordPerfect
SAS Institute, Inc. -- The SAS System

There will be tutorial sessions each day at various times; subjects will
"Using Mathematica" by Dr. Alfred Gray
"Using PhaseScope" by its author, Dr. Michael Mezzino

There will be poster papers each day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Send abstracts to Dr. Larry Medsker, 
                  Chair, Computer Science and Information Science
                  The American University
               	  Washington, D.C.  20016
	          (202) 885-3306
You may use his e-mail address, medsker@auvm.bitnet, for short messages but not
for abstracts or papers:  use the conventional mail address for those.

There will be a variety of talks and panel discussions, including the 
Tuesday, June 11, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Panel on NeXT Applications at Goddard Space Flight Center
Chair:  Dr. Henning Leidecker:  NeXT Scientific Visualization
  *  Mr. Timothy VanSant:  Imaging Solar Panels on the Hubble Space Telescope
  *  Dr. Robert Cahalan:  Simulation of Clouds by Fractals
11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Lotus Development Corporation, Lotus Advanced Technology Group:  
Advantages of NeXT Step
  *  Theoretical
  *  Actual Case History of Improv

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m.  
Panel on Mathematica
Chair:  Dr. Alfred Gray, Professor of Mathematics, University of Maryland
  * Dr. Michael Mezzino, chair of the Mathematics Department, University of 
    Houston-Clear Lake (Author of ``PhaseScope'')
  * a representative from Wolfram Research, Inc.
  * Dr. Henning Leidecker

3:30 p.m. -  4:45 p.m.
Panel on NeXT Music
Chair:  Douglas Scott:  Graphics-based Sound Editing Programs for 
        Digital Music
  *  Peter Yadlowsky, University of Virginia:  Music Synthesis 
     Programs Using the NeXT Step Interface
  *  Brad Garton, Director of Computer Music, Columbia University:  
     Automated Sound Generators - ``Looching'' and Its Siblings
Wednesday, June 12, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.  
Panel on NeXT Interpersonal Computing
Chair:  Michael O'Neill, MITRE Corporation
  *  ESL Incorporated
  *  Boss Logic, Inc.

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.  
Session 1:  NeXT Developer's Panel
Chair:  Roger Rosner, Director of Engineering, Light House Design, Ltd.
Session 2:  Panel on NeXT Applications at the Naval Research Laboratory
Chair:  John Michopoulos

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m.
Presentation:  NeXT Wall Street Applications by  
Alex Cone, President of Objective Technologies, Inc.
Applications for the following companies will be discussed:
  *  First Boston Company
  *  Union Bank of Switzerland
  *  Lehman Brothers

3:30 p.m. -  4:45 p.m.
Presentation: "NeXT Health Care Professionals' Workstation" by 
Kent A. Speckman, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Director for R & D, 
Biomedical Information Communication Center at 
Oregon Health Sciences University (Invited, but not yet able to confirm)
Thursday, June 13, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
"Vision One:  Keynote for the Future" by 
Dr. Ronald F. E. Weissman, 
Director of Higher Education for NeXT Computer, Inc.

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Panel on NeXT User Groups:  Addressing user's concerns
Chair:  Conrad Geiger, NeXT Computer, Inc.

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m. 
"Vision Two:  Three Vital Advances"
Chair:  Hugh O'Neill, President of WaNUG
  *  Charles Wayne, DARPA Program Manager: Speech Recognition
  *  Brian Bosch, DARPA Program Manager: T-Mach -- Trusted and Secure Mach
  *  Kristofer A. Younger, Senior Technical Consultant, 
     NeXT Computer, Inc.:  
     Object Orientation:  From Applications to Environments

3:30 p.m. -  4:45  
Panel on NeXT and Higher Education
Chair:  Dr. Ronald F. E. Weissman
The expected format for each of the above sessions is that 15 minutes of the announced time
is reserved for floor-discussions;  panel chairs are responsible for the selection of their
Pre-Registration is $10.00 for any combination of days paid in advance, 
or $15 paid at the door.

To send in pre-payment, give name, organization, postal address, 
telephone number, and e-mail address (if available).  Make check 
payable to:

     Washington, D.C. Area NeXT Group
and send to:  
     Hugh O'Neill
     President of WaNUG
     P.O. Box 39036
     Washington, D.C.  20016
     (301) 224-3116 (after 8 p.m. EDT)
In addition, any general messages may be addressed to Mr. Hugh O'Neill, 
or to Mr. Chris Walters at walters@grebyn.com.

There are some dormatory rooms available at The American University for 
$25 per person per night for double occupancy and 
$40 per person per night for single occupancy.  

There are many hotels and motels available; the Holiday Inn at Chevy Chase, MD 
has offered discount rates of $75 per room (this includes single, double, or 
triple occupancy).  Call Holiday Inn directly: (301) 656-1500 or 1-800-458-3800.  
(When makeing reservations, please identify the organization as 
``NeXT Conference for American University:  Code Number SM2108.''  
There are ten such rooms reserved at this rate until June 1, 1991.