[net.auto] rough engine idle

milan@hcrvx1.UUCP (Milan Strnad) (01/24/86)

After my Pontiac 6000 (6 cyl. 2.8l, automatic) reached 3 years of age 
(warranty runs out at this point too), it started to give me pretty 
strange behaviour. When I start it in the morning, it runs/idles *very* 
rough for about 2 minutes, and then smoothes as the revs increase. I've had 
it looked at by a Pontiac dealership. They made carburator adjustments, and 
it seemed to help a little bit for 3 or 4 weeks. After that, it's back to 
rough starts again.  Anyone has this problem also?

ahs@burl.UUCP (Spinks Albert H. ) (01/25/86)

> After my Pontiac 6000 (6 cyl. 2.8l, automatic) reached 3 years of age 
> (warranty runs out at this point too), it started to give me pretty 
> strange behaviour. When I start it in the morning, it runs/idles *very* 
> rough for about 2 minutes, and then smoothes as the revs increase. I've had 
> it looked at by a Pontiac dealership. They made carburator adjustments, and 
> it seemed to help a little bit for 3 or 4 weeks. After that, it's back to 
> rough starts again.  Anyone has this problem also?

At least four times in my life I have discovered rough idle of my cars
has been caused by worn/defective ignition wiring.  One of these times
I would have sworn that I had a defective timing chain; another time
I would have sworn that I had a burned valve; but both times I homed
in on the ignition wiring.  The best was to detect the problem I found
was to run the engine in near total darkness who that you can see any
small arcing.  Sometimes the problem has shown up as excessive 'glow'
(there is a more sophisticated term that escapes me at the moment) around
the defective portion of the wiring.  The results can be arcing between
wires to cause cross firing (thus cause symptoms that can sound like
burned valves) or just plain missing when shorting to ground.

Since your car has only 6000 miles or so I would be surprised if this was
your problem.  Thought however it would pay to bring it up since I have
experienced the wire problem so often.  In some engine course that I have
taken, I remember it claimed that something like 95% of the engine
problems can be traced to ignition problems; this has consistenly been
my experience.

Good luck,

al spinks



				     Albert H. Spinks