[comp.sys.next] Next to Mac sound conversion?

afortin@reliant.gsfc.nasa.gov (Andre Fortin) (04/25/91)


I hope this hasn't been mentioned before, but I need a way to convert Next
sound files to Mac 8 bit sound files (or any type of Mac sound file for 
Mac II). Does anyone know of any programs on any ftp site or programs they
could email me?  Thank you.

*  I will not   *  DISCLAIMER:         * Andre Fortin                     *
*   pledge      *   Stop reading news  * NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center *
* allegiance    *   and get back to    * Code 532.2                       *
*   to Bart.    *   work!!!!!!         * Greenbelt, MD 20771              *
*     - Bart S. *                      * afortin@next532-1.gsfc.nasa.gov   *