[comp.sys.next] Sequencer for the NeXT

kls30@duts.ccc.amdahl.com (Kent L Shephard) (04/26/91)

Today I called Imagine Inc.  to ask why they had stopped development
of First Chair.

I talked to Ken Slayton the CEO.

Well, the conversation went something like this.

me: What's up with development of First Chair?

him: Well we didn't see an installed base of machines to finish development
     of the product.

me: How many machines do you need to see?

him: I don't know but we didn't think demand was there.  But say for instance
     you were going to buy a sequencer.  What features would you like and
     how much would you pay?  Not saying we are going to do anything but
     what would be your grocery list?

me: Well I would like something along the lines of Vision fo the Mac and
    Cakewalk for the PC.  Something with as many tracks as you have memory
    if you need that many.  Multiple views: event, note, measure, and
    track.  SMTE support along with external MIDI clock.  Multitake mode,
    step record mode, keyboard entry, and of course recording from keyboard.
    Simultaneous recording onto seperate tracks if more than one MIDI channel
    is playing.  Track merge.  Track extract: ie extract notes and move to
    another track.  Support for a couple of instruments from the NeXT dsp.
    Pattern and linear support.  Pattern so you can use any drum sound
    module and linear so it acks like any normal seq.

    If I could buy something today I would be willing to spend the same
    or a little more than what I would have to pay for a Mac or PC sequencer.
    So I figure a price of $300-$400 would be in line.
    What would you need to start development again?

him: The reason I'm asking these questions is that I've been getting calls
     this week from NeXT users, like yourself that want a sequencer.

me: I think the demand is there.  I know a lot of people that have bought
    a machine other than a NeXT because their primary application was
    music and the NeXT had no sequencer.  We need a product that works.
    If someone comes out with a product, I think that they will grab hold
    of the market and make it very difficult for someone else to come along.
    Time to market here is the key.  Right now there is a lot of opportunity
    in 1 year I think it may be gone.   If you want to put something out
    it should be soon.  What would it take and how long would it take to
    get a product out?

him: I would need a distributor or a group of distributors to back me on
     the price of about 300 copies.  Once we had the backing, it would
     take about 6 months to get the product shipping.  We have a lot of
     what it would need already written.

me: What I will do is ask everyone I know would they be interested in a
    sequencer that has the features of Vision or Cakewalk Pro.  with a
    NeXT interface and some added features.

him: Well just to let you know, I'm the CEO.  I call the shots.  I haven't
     been here long, but I'm the person that says what we will or won't
     do development on.

me: Well that's nice to know.  I'll go back and ask some users of NeXT
    computers what they think and want.

him: Thank's for your time.

me: Thank you.

Well NeXT users what do you say, are you willing to pay $300 or $400
for a good program?

If you are, send me mail and I'll keep a list.

You should also call, write or fax:

Imagine Inc.
32 North Washington,
Suite 14
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(313)478-1323 fax

All should be directed to Ken Slayton
                     KeNT - I need a sequencer so I can get rid of my PC.
/*  -The opinions expressed are my own, not my employers.    */
/*      For I can only express my own opinions.              */
/*                                                           */
/*   Kent L. Shephard  : email - kls30@DUTS.ccc.amdahl.com   */