[comp.sys.next] Help setting up Xnext...

hsg@duke.cs.duke.edu (Henry Greenside) (04/27/91)

I recently downloaded Xnext from the Columbia site and installed the
binaries on a 400 MB Nextstation running NS 2.0. When I double click
on the X icon, the screen goes blank, the disk whirs for a while, and
then I return to NS. The 'ps' command shows that no X related
processes are running.

My guess is that my .xinitrc file or path are not correct. I have
tried trivial .xinitrc files of a single line (e.g., xclock &)
and I set my path as follows:

    set path=(. $home/bin \
      /usr/local/bin /usr/ucb \
      /usr/local/X11R4/usr/bin/X11 \
      /bin /usr/bin  ~/Apps /LocalApps \
      /NextApps /NextAdmin /NextDeveloper/Demos)

Can someone tell me SPECIFICALLY how they got Xnext working?
Can they send me working .xinitrc and .cshrc files?



P.S.: the ftp site should have much more detailed README files.  No
mention about how to switch context, no details of installation.