[comp.sys.next] Help! Kermit

robertw@informix.com (Robert Weinberg) (04/25/91)

Could someone send me a help file for using Kermit on
the NeXT? I can get so far as to activate my modem
(using a standard Macintosh cable) but nothing works. . .

Thanks in advance!

* Rob Weinberg, graphics & publishing ***** Does a falling tree make a sound *
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*  => Ask Informix about Informix.    *****          no one hears it?        * 

davisp@skybridge.SCL.CWRU.Edu (Palmer Davis) (04/26/91)

In article <1991Apr24.190038.11899@informix.com> robertw@informix.com (Robert Weinberg) writes:
>Could someone send me a help file for using Kermit on
>the NeXT? I can get so far as to activate my modem
>(using a standard Macintosh cable) but nothing works. . .

Which Kermit are you using?  There are many different implementations,
so I can't really tell you how yours works.  I'm typing this from a
version of C-Kermit that I got from gatekeeper.dec.com; the two tar
files you need are /pub/comm/kermit/c/all.tar.Z and unix.tar.Z; the
file ckuker.doc that gets unpacked contains the full documentation.
There's also on-line help in the Kermit I'm using.

-- PTD --
Palmer T. Davis                 |  davisp@scl.cwru.edu  -OR-  ptd2@po.cwru.edu
Case Western Reserve University | {att,sun,decvax,uunet}!cwjcc!skybridge!davisp

wb1j+@andrew.cmu.edu (William M. Bumgarner) (04/28/91)

My kermit says:

C-Kermit 5A(165) ALPHA, 20 Jan 91, NeXT Mach 1.0
 Numeric: 501165

I have been using it over a 19.2 kBaud line for some time now and it
works beautifully... I also have the packet size up to 4000 bytes, which
gretly increases file transfer throughput.

The sources were posted to sonata, I do believe.

BTW:  i also have a modified version of the Makefile that has a new
make.  Add these lines to Kermit's Makefile near the bsd43 line (it is
only three lines, the second one wrapped....):

        @echo Making C-Kermit $(CKVER) for 4.3BSD with acucntrl and max buf...

this will make a version of 4.3bsd kermit that allows for the outrageous
buffer size that I like to use (4,000 bytes).  This works on rt_r3,
pmax, and microvaxen, haven't tried it on a Sun.


b.bumgarner            | Disclaimer:  All opinions expressed are my own.
wb1j+@andrew.cmu.edu   | I officially don't represent anyone unless I
NeXT Campus Consultant | explicity say I am doing so. So there. <Thpppt!>
"I ride tandem with the random/Things don't run the way I planned them.."