[comp.sys.next] Webster entry error. Send to someone who is i

hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu (Meinhard E. Mayer (Hardy)) (05/02/91)

I am not at ny NeXT, but here is what Xwebster reports on Athos:
Geographical Names
Athos \'ath-,a^:s, 'a^--,tha^:s\
mountain NE Greece at E end of Acte peninsula; site of a number of
     monasteries comprising Mount Ahos (autonomous area) 

quark \'kwo[0xC7](e)rk, 'kwa^:rk\ n
[coined by Murray Gell-Mann b1929 Am. physicist]
:a hypothetical particle that carries a fractional electric charge,
     is thought to come in several types (as up, down, strange, charmed,
     and bottom), and is held to be a constituent of hadrons 
The Joyce connection is correct; in his 1964 preprint Gell-Mann quotes
the "Three quarks for muster Mark!"  in Finnegan's wake (try
quotations for this %-).

Typos occur even in the best of dictionaries!

Meinhard E. Mayer (Hardy);  Department of Physics, University of California
Irvine CA 92717; (714) 856 5543; hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu or MMAYER@UCI.BITNET