[comp.sys.next] Lino

jchin@wimsey.bc.ca (Joseph Chin) (05/03/91)

I need to get in touch with anyone who has successfully connected Linotronic
300 imagesetter (RIP4) to the NeXT computer. I can only print simple files
from within WriteNow. Print jobs from Illustrator (beta b4) and FrameMaker
disappear into never-neverland.

The imagesetter (via RIP) is hooked to the NeXT via serial cable. The NeXT
has been set up with a L300 driver in Print Manager. I also need information
on customizing the ".pdf" files.


:-) Joe

 * "Kill the body and the head will die" (Hunter S. Thompson) *
 *    NeXT --> The ultimate electronic publishing platform!   *
 ********** Joseph Chin --> jchin@van-bc.wimsey.bc.ca *********