[comp.sys.next] NeXTstation RAM

ks3l+@andrew.cmu.edu (Kenton Shaver) (05/03/91)

Does NeXT sell the SIMMS that boost the RAM on the NeXTstation boards or
are they available from just any wholesaler?

I had a guy tell me last night on the +NeXT irc forum that NeXTstations
write RAM contents to hard disk when they start running out of memory. 
Has anyone had problems using a NeXTstation to run Mathematica with the
standard eight megs on the board?  Who sources the hard drives to NeXT

Last question:  How big are the programs that the NeXT runs?  How can
one tell?  The dictinary I'd expect to occupy at least eight or ten
megs, but the .app files?