[comp.sys.next] spreadsheets for Next

drais@donald.cs.umn.edu (D. Drais, ,0000,0) (05/01/91)

This probaly has been asked before, but are there any 
public domain spreadsheets available for the NeXT.  If not.. are
there any out there at a reasonable cost?  btw I am just checking 
out the features on a NeXT compared to buying a macIIsi for
the U of M IEEE chapter.  The main use for it will be for publishing
so If anyone has any arguments I can use to support a NeXT over a mac
please email me..

thanks in advance

D. Drais

ddj@zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Doug DeJulio) (05/01/91)

In article <1991Apr30.171646.25076@cs.umn.edu> drais@donald.cs.umn.edu (D. Drais, ,0000,0) writes:
> This probaly has been asked before, but are there any 
> public domain spreadsheets available for the NeXT.

That depends on what you mean by "public domain".  There are two free
spreadsheets available in source code form, for generic Unix machines.

There's "oleo", available via anonymous FTP from prep.ai.mit.edu, in the
directroy pub/gnu.  It's protected under the gnu copyleft.  I have not
yet tried to get this up and running on the NeXT, but I will this
summer.  Note that this is version 0.3 of the software; it's probably
not ready for general use yet.

There's also "sc", available from pc.usl.edu in the directory
pub/unix.  I've compiled this on my NeXTstation, and it's what I use
for day-to-day spreadsheet work.  This is version 6.14 of the software
(at least the last time I checked).  Would it be worth putting a
compiled version of this out on the archive sites?
Doug DeJulio

vinl@wet.UUCP (Vin Locke) (05/03/91)

Yes, I think it would be a great idea to to make your compiled version
of the "sc" spreadsheet available for ftp.  I haven't gotten Improv
yet, and some people, like those buying their machines now, will not
be getting it.  I think it would be generous of you to post it.