[comp.sys.next] S or New S on Next

davisd@horton.colorado.edu (DAVIS DAVID R) (05/03/91)



Does anyone know where one can  access, via FTP,
S, New  S, or a similar public domain statistics package 
for NeXTs?

Many thanks in advance

Please post responses or email to 

"Would U accuse me of starting a riot if I was
quiet? Would U?" Mutabaruka

flynn@shillelagh.cse.nd.edu (Patrick J. Flynn) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May3.062127.15644@colorado.edu>, davisd@horton.colorado.edu (DAVIS DAVID R) writes:
> Does anyone know where one can  access, via FTP,
> S, New  S, or a similar public domain statistics package 
> for NeXTs?

S is not public domain; you have to buy it from AT&T (or perhaps USL?).
It is not expensive for universities (I paid $400 for old S in 1987, and
$800 for new S in 1989).

Douglas Bates at Wisconsin (bates@stat.wisc.edu) ported S to the NeXT
last year.  I don't know the status of the port nowadays.

An inexpensive alternative to S is |STAT (pipe-stat) by
Gary Perlman of Ohio State University (perlman@cis.ohio-state.edu).
Last thing I knew, he was asking $20/$30 for the UNIX version, and
$10 for the printed docs.  I don't have a copy, so I can't post a review.
The `sci.math.stat' newsgroup often contains postings on other statistical
Pat Flynn - flynn@cse.nd.edu   ('til 5/30)
          - flynn@eecs.wsu.edu (after then)

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