[comp.sys.next] NXspice

kls30@duts.ccc.amdahl.com (Kent L Shephard) (05/03/91)

I have now gotten a total of 20 requests for NXspice.  I cant possibly
mail it to everyone.  If noone has any serious objections I would
like to post it in 5-10 parts.  This way all that want it can get it.
If I receive less complaints than requests I will post it.  Otherwise
I'll bite the bullet and send it out via mail.

/*  -The opinions expressed are my own, not my employers.    */
/*      For I can only express my own opinions.              */
/*                                                           */
/*   Kent L. Shephard  : email - kls30@DUTS.ccc.amdahl.com   */

chip@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu (Chip Nowacek) (05/03/91)

NXSpice is already available at sonata.cc.purdue.edu ftp site in
/pub/next/1.0-release/binaries.  Sorry I didn't post this earlier


ta-aca@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Andrew C. Athan) (05/04/91)

I believe NXSpice is also available from sonata.cc.purdue.edu and/or
nova.cc.purdue.edu in the pub/next/1.0-release/binaries directory.

aca (squish)