[comp.sys.next] Fixed - Emacs2.0

c188-ap@volga.Berkeley.EDU (Johnson Sieu) (05/05/91)

I finally managed to get emacs 2.0 to see the hostname.  The following was what
I did to set hostname to perseus. 

   1.  change the line "       localhost" to 
   "       perseus"

   2.  run NetManager.  choose the menu "local..." and change the Hostname
   switch so as to set the hostname to perseus
   3.  run NetInfoManager.  A panel pops up showing the domains.  click
   on the directory  "machines".  Then for my machine, 2 subdirectories
   show up namely "broadcasthost" and "localhost".  Double click on the
   subdirectory "localhost".  The property panel will show up.  Click
   on the value "localhost".  Then select "New Value" in the menu "Directory".
   Key in "perseus"

   4.  Finally, save the new property value and do a system reboot
   -- "shutdown -r now"

Hope the above is useful for those of you who want to set the hostname and
simultaneously would like the emacs 2.0 to work properly.

By the way, thanks for those of you who have sent me helpful info and methods
to fix the problem.

email address:  c188-ap@volga.berkeley.edu
PS:  of course, this is just one of the ways to fix the problem.