barb@rmNUG.ORG (Barbara J. Dyker) (05/08/91)
Rocky Mountain NeXT Users' Group The May rmNUG meeting will be held Wednesday, May 8, at 7pm, in the Adams Reading room, Green Center building, Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. Presentation begins promptly at 8pm. Directions: In Golden, take Washington St. Turn west on 15th to the center of campus where the street ends. The Green Center building is on the south, the room is on the 2nd floor in the SW corner of the building. This is the same location as the January meeting. Brad Green, NeXT Campus Consultant, will demonstrate the following peripheral products for the NeXT: External CD-ROM drive, PLI external floppy drive, HSD Scan-X 600 scanner, MetaResearch Digital Ears and Digital Eyes, and Ariel Digital Microphone. As usual there will be NeXT machines to use, software to see, and other users to meet. Bring a floppy or optical to copy public software, images, fonts, sounds, what have you. The Rocky Mountain NeXT Users' Group meets the second Wednesday of each month in the Denver/Boulder/Golden area. Each meeting features a presentation as well as NeXT machines for demonstrations and downloading public software. rmNUG also has "NeXTworking" services to allow remote NeXT users to send and receive NeXT mail and provide electronic access to rmNUG archives, rmNUG newsgroups and other rmNUG members. To receive a packet of more detailed information about rmNUG including applications, send an email request to If you wish to be on our mailing list to recieve these announcments regularly, email a request to Barb Dyker rmNUG Administrator barb@rmNUG.ORG (303) 492-2545